Italy 24 Press News

Sicily tries to get back up but the young people still “flee”.

Who graduates fromUniversity of Catania has greater hope of finding employment in a short time compared to other colleagues on the island, with 21.5% of graduates obtaining a part time one year after obtaining the qualification. Much more than the national average, which stands below 14%. Palermo it’s the best on employment rate five years after obtaining the qualification, 85.7%, against a national average of 88.2%. Messina stands out for the highest monthly salary, with 1,690 euros net against a national average of 1,768 euros. These are the data from Sicily in the latest Almalaurea report on the profile and employment status of graduates in Italian universities, published in the last few hours. The research was conducted on 295 thousand graduates in 2023, “leaving” from 78 Italian universities. Even in university education, Italy is split in half. In fact “the historic mobility for study/work along the South-North route continues to characterize our country.” For some time now, “it has been accompanied by that towards i Foreign countries, which constitute an objective for a significant number of graduates“.

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Almalaurea, data from the Universities of Sicily

Despite the small records achieved by various universities, in short, the path to take in step with the rest of the country and it remains long in the world. Catania, for example, is below the national average in terms of employment rate one year after graduation (67.5% versus 75.7%) and five years (85.2% versus 88.2%). Also there net salary one year after the title is lower (1,338 euros net against 1,432), as is the case after five years (1,661 euros against 1,768). Good news comes, as mentioned, from part-time job one year (21.5% versus 13.8%) and five years (8.2% versus 6.4%). Me too’effectiveness of the qualification it is higher than the national one both at one year (71.7% against 69.5%) and at five years (82.4% against 75.7%). Also for these data theOldest university in Sicily claims that almost 91% of new graduates “declare themselves satisfied with the university experience, so much so that almost 70% of them would re-enroll to attend the same course”, while 7% “would stay in Catania but try another training course“.

Read also – Anvur, the university of Catania better than Palermo and Messina: first among the Sicilians

Palermo, post-graduate employment at Italian levels

As regards theUniversity of Palermo, it is the one that in Sicily according to Almalaurea is closest to national employment data, both one year (71.3% versus 75.7%) and five years (85.7% versus 88.2%). Higher than the national average is the possibility of finding part-time one year after the title (20.2% versus 13.8%) and five years (10.5% versus 6.4%). Also on theeffectiveness of the qualification the University exceeds the Italian average at one year (78% against 69.5%) and at five years (83.3% against 75.7%). Unipa, on the other hand, is behind net monthly salary one year (1,362 euros against 1,432) and five years (1,619 euros against 1,768). Data which overall satisfies the governance, which claims “one slight but significant growth in employment of graduates at one year (71.3% against 70.2% in 2023) and at five years (85.7% against 84.6% in 2023)”. In addition to underlining that almost 91% of graduates “rates the experience very positively”, 88.5% “consider the relationship with teachers“, while 84% “consider the study load adequate”.

Read also – Anvur, the university of Catania better than Palermo and Messina: first among the Sicilians

Messina, better salaries for graduates

L’University of Messina, finally, it exceeds the Italian average in two out of four indicators. There is a greater chance of find a part-time job one year after graduation (20.7% versus 13.8%) and five years (8.5% versus 6.4%). Also the data oneffectiveness of the qualification it is higher, at one year (76% versus 69.5%) and at five years (85.3% versus 75.7%). The data, however, are lower onoccupation at one year (64.5% versus 75.7%) and at five years (81.6% versus 88.2%). Also there net monthly salary, although it is the highest among those registered in Sicily, it is lower at one year (1,358 euros against 1,432) and at five years (1,690 against 1,768). Even the leaders of theUniversity of Messina claim the results achieved. On the one hand, “the share of those who declare themselves is very high, and in line with the previous survey satisfied with the experience gained (equal to 91.2%). On the other hand, “approximately 74.3% of graduates would enroll again at thePeloritano University (in the last survey the figure was 72.6%)”. Sign of a still high satisfaction.

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