Italy 24 Press News

Caltanissetta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 18 June

The weather forecast in Caltanissetta for Tuesday 18 June they predict a day characterized by clear skies and rising temperatures. The morning will be characterized by good weather with clear skies and temperatures that will remain around +30°C. In the afternoon, the sky will remain clear and temperatures will reach values ​​around +35°C. Even in the evening the weather conditions will be stable, with clear skies and temperatures around +26°C.

The first hours of the day will be characterized by a light breeze coming from the North East with a speed of around 5-7 km/h. During the day, the wind direction will change towards South – South East with an intensity that can reach i 14-23 km/h. The gusts of wind will be absent and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable around 1017-1018 hPa.

Relative humidity in the air will be moderate, with values ​​hovering around 15-58%. No precipitation is expected during the day, while cloud cover will be almost absent, except for a few scattered clouds in the evening.

In conclusion, Tuesday 18 June in Caltanissetta promises a day of good weather, with clear skies and rising summer temperatures. Weather conditions will remain stable and without significant precipitation. It is advisable to pay attention to high temperatures and protect yourself adequately from the sun’s rays.

All the weather data for Tuesday 18 June in Caltanissetta

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