Italy 24 Press News

the bulletin for today Monday 17 June

The forecast for Monday 17 June a Reggio Calabria forecast stable and sunny conditions throughout the day. The maximum temperature will reach i 27.5°C in the early afternoon, while the minimum will settle at around 22.4°C in the evening. The wind will blow at a speed between 9.5km/h hey 13.6km/hcoming mainly from the north.

During the Nightthe sky will be clear with a temperature that will remain around 23°C. Scattered clouds will begin to gradually clear, leading to cloud cover settling around the 38% at dawn.

There morning will show up with few clouds and cloud cover around the 18%. Temperatures will rise to above 25°C in the central hours of the morning, with a sensation of heat that could exceed 28°C.

In the afternoonthe sky will be completely clear and the cloud cover will remain at 0% for the entire period. Maximum temperatures will be around 27.5°Cwith a light breeze that will help make the climate pleasant despite the heat.

In eveningconditions will remain stable with clear skies and cloud cover equal to 0%. Temperatures will begin to gradually drop, but will still remain above 22°C throughout the evening.

In conclusion, the weather forecast For Reggio Calabria they indicate a summer day with pleasant temperatures and clear skies. Weather conditions will remain stable over the next few days, with temperatures likely to increase slightly towards the middle of the week. It is advisable to pay attention to hydration and sun protection, especially in the hottest hours of the day.

All the weather data for Monday 17 June in Reggio Calabria

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