Italy 24 Press News

«I followed a dream, my choice is out of passion»

TREVISO – «I have left a future in research on multiple sclerosis to be a family doctor. I think he is a fundamental figure. And I hope to have many patients soon.” The doctor is Teresa Capoani he is not yet thirty. A few months ago you opened your clinic in Sant’Angelo and made his choice. «There are too many uncovered neighborhoods in the city, I chose general medicine. It’s a fascinating job.” Family doctor by vocation, in love with her profession and with her patients, Teresa decided to abandon research on the neuroprotection of multiple sclerosis to embrace the profession of general practitioner. Born in Rome but raised in Treviso, the city her parents fell in love with and decided to move to, she graduated with 110 cum laude in medicine (and excellence for the European path undertaken during the university years) in Ferrara in 2020 after having done Erasmus in Romania. You recently followed, together with Dr. Fabio Muggia and with the contribution of the Eleonora Duse Lions Club, a series of meetings on the prevention of cancer in young people (Martina project). AND the clinic opened in March to Sant’Angelo to follow the area of ​​San Giuseppe and Sant’Angelo which remained uncovered.

Why did you choose to work on research to cure multiple sclerosis?

«My aunt was diagnosed with sclerosis when she was fifty and I have a dear friend who suffers from it. I wanted to dedicate my degree thesis to them”

Why did you choose to do Erasmus in Romania?

«In Cluj Napoca there is a hospital of excellence for the neuroprotection of multiple sclerosis. I had the opportunity to do research and collaborate with Professor Dafin Muresanu through Dr. Maura Pugliatti of Ferrara. It was a very productive Erasmus because the level of research in Romania is very high”

In the meantime the pandemic broke out and she was stuck in Cluj Napoca.

«Yes, canceled planes, vaccines that had not yet arrived, but above all since it had developed from Italy we were all quarantined. I did research and continued until there was a free flight to return”

Tough experience?

«No, I would say that it was still productive and then I needed to improve my English, and in that context I had the opportunity to do so»

Why did you then change your mind about your future professional path?

«I became passionate about becoming a family doctor, he is the most important figure in medicine. A good family doctor immediately refers the patient and anticipates pathologies. This is why I decided to enroll in general medical school. Then I applied to be able to open the clinic in the shortage areas. They entrusted Sant’Angelo to me, and here I am. I can have patients from Treviso, Silea and San Biagio di Callalta”

Was there a specific moment when you realized that you wanted to become a GP?

«During the pandemic, upon returning from Romania, I offered my availability as a doctor for the USCA. I was young, I was at less risk of contagion and it was important that someone was close to the people in home quarantine. I worked with family doctors and I understood the importance of this figure as well as the special relationship that is created with patients”

You completed a master’s degree in human nutrition, why?

«I believe that the first cure is the right diet. Colon diseases are becoming more and more widespread, and it all starts with what we eat. We must start working on the diet before the drug”

What do you hope for your future?

«I hope to become a point of reference for my patients, I hope to be able to contribute to their well-being not only with treatment but also with prevention»

We often hear that the role of family doctor is a “mistreated” role also from an economic point of view. Is that so?

«I chose this discipline out of passion, the economic question honestly doesn’t interest me that much, I think the most important thing is to do a job that you love. And feel that through this work, your life has meaning”


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The Gazzettino

TREVISO – «I left a future in multiple sclerosis research to become a family doctor. I think he is a fundamental figure. And I hope to have many patients soon.” There…

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