Italy 24 Press News

Pescara weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 18 June

Tuesday 18 June at Pescara we expect a day of good weather, with clear skies and 0% cloud cover. Temperatures will remain pleasant, with values ​​ranging between +22°C and +28.4°C. The perception of the temperature will be similar to the actual one, guaranteeing a feeling of well-being. The wind will blow at moderate speed, with light gusts and a prevailing direction from the South West.

In the early hours of the morning, starting at 00:00, the sky will be clear with a temperature of +22°C and a humidity of 65%. The wind will blow at 7km/h from the South West. The weather conditions will remain stable until the early hours of the morning, with temperatures rising slightly and the wind easing.

During the morning, the sky will remain clear and the temperature will reach a peak of +28.4°C around 12:00 pm. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, but will maintain a constant direction from East – North East.

In the afternoon, the weather conditions will not undergo significant changes, with clear skies and temperatures that will remain around +28°C. The wind could increase slightly in intensity, but without causing particular discomfort.

In the evening, the sky will remain clear and temperatures will gradually drop, settling at around +23.5°C at 11pm. The wind will continue to blow with a light breeze from the South West.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 18 June Pescara indicate a day characterized by stable and sunny conditions, ideal for spending time outdoors. Temperatures will remain pleasant and the wind will not be particularly annoying. For the next few days, an extension of these favorable weather conditions is expected, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures.

All the weather data for Tuesday 18 June in Pescara

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