Italy 24 Press News

Finally there is authorization from the region: this activity will no longer be illegal

An important news in the area in view of next autumn. The Abruzzo region authorizes the harvesting of wood.

In a move that aims to combine citizens’ energy self-consumption needs with the sustainable management of the territory, the Abruzzo Region has opened the doors to the controlled harvesting of wood in state-owned river areas. This decision represents an important step forward in the direction of a more conscious and responsible use of natural resources.

From today, harvesting wood will no longer be illegal/

### An initiative in favor of the environment and citizens

The new regulation allows private citizens, businesses, associations and public bodies to collect wood from the ground – uprooted plants, trunks and branches – limited to non-private areas belonging to the State’s river property. The objective is twofold: on the one hand to provide an alternative energy source for self-consumption; on the other, contributing to the cleaning of the river banks, reducing the risk of flooding thanks to the removal of potentially obstructing material.

### Access methods and requirements

To access this opportunity, interested parties must submit a specific application accompanied by all the required documents, including tax stamps and preliminary investigation costs. The procedure has been simplified thanks to the introduction of a model prepared by the Civil Engineers offices of the Abruzzo Region. The councilor for Public Works, Infrastructure and Transport, Umberto D’Annuntiis underlined the region’s commitment to facilitating access to this natural resource, while promoting virtuous environmental practices.

Limitations and conditions

Collection is subject to specific limitations: it can extend for a maximum of 1 km along the banks of regional watercourses and is permitted up to a maximum limit of 50 quintals for a period not exceeding 60 days.

Here are the limitations you will have to comply with/

These restrictions were designed to ensure that the initiative remains within the scope of environmental sustainability without negatively impacting the natural balance of the areas involved.

Benefits expected from the new legislation. The introduction of the possibility of harvesting wood in regional waterways is part of a broader strategy aimed at valorising local resources from an ecological perspective. In addition to the immediate advantage for those who will be able to obtain supplies directly in the area, reducing expensive external purchases, significant benefits are expected in environmental terminology. The regular cleaning of river areas will in fact contribute to mitigating the hydrogeological risk deriving from seasonal floods.

In conclusion, this initiative from Abruzzo represents a concrete example of how it is possible to integrate human needs with respect for the surrounding environment through careful and measured policies.

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