Italy 24 Press News

The “Mare safe 2024” operation has started: active surveillance from Torre to Vittoria Apuana until 15 September

This year too, the “Safe Sea 2024” campaign began on 15 June, implemented for Tuscany by the Maritime Directorate – Coast Guard of Livorno, thus involving the various Port Authorities – Coast Guard of the Region. Obviously, the one in Viareggio immediately adapted, commanded by the frigate Captain Silvia Brini with all her men, women and naval assets at her disposal.

Therefore, from Marina di Torre del Lago to Vittoria Apuana, a coastal strip with a total tourist destination, there will be constant surveillance – both at sea and on land – to ensure that all the provisions relating to the protection of the necessary behavior on the part of the vessels that cross paths are respected. in the seaside area and that of the managers of the bathing establishments, but above all in the protection of the coastal environment.

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Consequently, the personnel and vessels stationed in the port of Viareggio have become part of the over one hundred soldiers and 40 naval vessels that until 15 September are engaged in surveillance of the over 600 kilometers that go from the Apuan coast to the Argentario.

It must also be said that to what has already been specified, it must be added that there will be no lack of awareness-raising activities in diving centers regarding full compliance with the safety rules for diving and those to combat illegal activity in the commercial use of pleasure craft.

The Port Authority – Coast Guard of Viareggio also recommends that for emergencies at sea the blue number 1530 is always active in addition to the single number for emergencies 112. But the final meaning of this operation or summer campaign of “Mare Sicuro 2024 ” was concisely specified by Admiral Gaetano Angora – Regional Commander of the Tuscan Coast Guard – when he states that “Our role is to save human lives at sea and to contribute to the safe carrying out of all recreational and commercial recreational and commercial activities that take place carry out in a maritime and coastal environment. Activities certainly intensified during the summer, which is why our efforts will be maximum for the benefit of the community to ensure the combination of safety and legality. To do this we count on staff and crews who are intensely trained and ready to deal with the various dangerous situations that unfortunately occur every year, despite the many efforts to raise awareness to prevent them. I really believe in prevention, because I believe it is the most direct and effective message to make people understand how, at sea, prudence and responsibility must inspire every activity. We therefore follow the motto: ‘Living the sea is natural, fun, relaxing… let’s do it correctly and responsibly!’”.

Unfortunately, it must be noted that despite all the appeals that are made, there is always someone who, due to too much confidence in themselves, or because they do not take their health into account, unscrupulously ventures into the sea without taking into account that they put their lives at risk. of rescuers. While not all crews of pleasure boats respect the rules of navigation which require them to travel 300 meters from the coast, or dump both edible and oily waste into the sea. Well, from Marina di Torre del Lago to Vittoria Apuana, respect for all this falls to the Coast Guard of Viareggio which, as always, has done and continues to do its duty of active surveillance both at sea and on land, without forgetting the illegal occupation of the areas belonging to maritime state property.

Mario Pellegrini

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