Italy 24 Press News

From the newspapers. Psychiatry returns to Baggiovara. A documentary film about the flood in Romagna. Survey on corporate welfare Current affairs

The return to Baggiovara of the Psychiatry Diagnosis and Treatment Service after having been hosted for three months at the Ramazzini in Carpi is the important news communicated yesterday by the ASL, hosted at the beginning of today’s Gazzetta. As will be remembered, the move to Carpi had become necessary due to the excesses of a patient who had semi-destroyed the Modena ward. The return coincides with a makeover which is also a rearrangement of the premises and a reorganization of the service (in the picture). “End of a nightmare”, the CISL trade unionist defines it in the newspaper Gennaro Ferrara, the same one who had complained about Ramazzini’s inadequacy for the temporary accommodation, predicting quite a few upheavals of which, however, there was no news. Furthermore, according to Ferrara, it remains always current, even in the new department, the need to separate from psychiatric users those represented by unaccompanied minors, drug addicts, prisoners: categories, the latter two, to which the explosions of violence are mostly attributable. follows

Il Carlino opens its local page with the announcement of the screening of a film at the Eden cinema next Wednesday at 9.15pm. This is the docufilm “I saw the end of the world – The story of the flood” on the drama experienced by Romagna in May 2023. The film is directed by Valerio Baroncinideputy director of Carlino, with Marco Santangelojournalist, among the first to rush to the disaster site.

For the first time, the Gazzetta reports the outcome of a survey (“Focus Lab B Corp” title) carried out between February and April, which involved the Municipalities of the Terre d’Argine and which served to document welfare initiatives undertaken by companies and public institutions. According to the outcome of the survey, private sector employees appear to be more satisfied than public sector employees, with everything concerning supplementary health and social security services, care and well-being for people, while in terms of expectations, the agreements that come first they give the right to discounts and care services for people and children.

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