Italy 24 Press News

Berlusconi, Ruini reveals the Scalfaro palace conspiracy. Gasparri blurts out

Maurizio Gasparri is furious after Corsera’s interview with Cardinal Ruini, which revealed an anti-Berlusconi plan. “The truths of recent history find significant and sensational confirmation. I read with great attention Francesco Verderami’s interview, published today in Corriere della Sera, with Cardinal Camillo Ruini. The then head of the Italian Church (and for many of us the perennial and unsurpassed guide of Italian Catholics), Cardinal Ruini, was invited by the President of the Republic of the time, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, to participate in a sort of political initiative aimed at bringing down the Berlusconi government. Ruini and the other leaders of the church obviously did not make themselves available to what appeared to be a real Palace conspiracy. But there was a conspiracy”, the words of the Forza Italia senator.

Gasparri continues his comment on the interview like this: “Berlusconi has denounced it for years. Many have denied it, but today Cardinal Ruini’s testimony, which has no political or partisan interest, confirms that what we know well, and which many books have already testified to, is true. Scalfaro is the same character who then went on television to unified networks and imposed, with the famous proclamation ‘I’m not for it’, not to delve into the disturbing story of the huge amount of money he allegedly received from the secret services. And perhaps Scalfaro wanted to overthrow the Berlusconi government also to feel more secure with respect to an affair that would sooner or later explode. Ruini’s words confirm how Berlusconi’s truths are confirmed after his death. In a different political and historical context and in a time in which no one can be accused of tendentious or instrumental reconstructions. Nor, obviously, Cardinal Ruini, who also confirms what has been witnessed in some books. Scalfaro – Gasparri continues – remains one of the disturbing figures in the life of the Republic and those who conspired with him against the legitimate government expressed by the Italians will forever be haunted by a very serious crime”.

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