Italy 24 Press News

The Survey | Cagliari, for readers Nicola is the perfect replacement for Ranieri

The weekend will bring advice. The week that arrives will probably be the decisive one for the future of the bench Cagliari. The rossoblù have been working for days with theEmpoli to find the economic framework to liberate Davide Nicola from the contract that binds him to the Tuscans and thus bring him to Sardinia as a substitute for Claudio Ranieri. With the former coach of, among others, the Salernitana who has already given his approval to the sporting director Nereo Bonato in recent days and who in these hours has worked with the Sardinians’ director for the plans for the incoming transfer market of the rossoblùs in the coming weeks.


Waiting for the definitive white smoke and the ritual officiality we asked our readers what they thought of the club’s choice Tommaso Giulini to focus on Nicola’s profile for after Ranieri. Not an easy task to not make the expert Roman coach regret the current coach ofEmpoliwho with the Azzurri is back fromyet another saving feat in Serie A of his career. Standing out from the cumbersome shadow of Sir Claudio is not easy not only due to Ranieri’s ability to restore identity and heart to Cagliari in the last year and a half, in addition to results obtained in the field, but also for the reputation of being a coach for the current season and not as a project at the beginning of the championship which Nicola himself has been carrying with him for a few years now. As explained by Bonato, however, Nicola’s profile was chosen for the continuity in the management of the locker room compared to the climate created by Ranieri and for the Empoli coach’s ability to make the most of the human material available and the young players present in the squad, in addition to those who will most likely arrive in the summer. Nicola who, after the no’s received from Barons And Vanoliwas also one of the most popular names from Tommaso Giulini in the list of candidates proposed for the bench. This aspect is certainly not secondary in the choice which will become official in the next few hours, barring cataclysms.


To our question whether Nicola is the right man or not for the Cagliari bench, the 69% of our readers showed strong signs of trust choosing the option: “Yes, for me it will be good for Cagliari”. In reverse 31% of users of Centotrentuno would have preferred another coach for the post-Ranieri team near Asseminello. Obviously, as always, it will be the field that will say who is right and who is not. Let us know in the comments instead what do you think of the choiceif you agree or if you would have bet on other profiles for Cagliari in the next Serie A season.

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