Italy 24 Press News

The “Talent Week Unipv 2024” initiative in Pavia until 21 June – Ticino

Until June 21st, 54 high school students (third and fourth grades) from various Italian cities (from Udine to Syracuse) are guests of the University of Pavia on the occasion of the “Talent Week Unipv 2024” initiative . The organization of the days, as well as the entire Academy of Distinction project, was managed by the “Academy of Distinction ODV” association, by LabTalento directed by Prof. M. Assunta Zanetti (DBBS) and by some scientific area departments : Department of Mathematics “F. Casorati” (prof. Raffaella Guglielmann and collaborators), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (prof. Simona Collina and prof. Teodora Bavaro), Department of Industrial Information Engineering (prof. Marco Carnevale and collaborators). This year too it was possible to organize an entire week, thanks also to the contribution of the Colleges of Merit (Collegio Borromeo, Collegio Cairoli, Collegio Ghislieri, Collegio Nuovo, Collegio Santa Caterina da Siena), of the COR-Centre for University Orientation, of Assolombarda Pavia and with the patronage of the Municipality of Pavia.

Talent Week and Academy of Distinction

The Talent Week initiative represents the final moment of the Academy Of Distinction classes’ journey, which started in December 2022. The applications were proposed by teachers from schools across Italy and the candidates – more than 600 boys and girls particularly gifted in scientific disciplines – they took selective tests in mathematics, physics, chemistry/biology, logic and dedicated to soft skills. Those who passed the selections (115) were placed in 6 virtual classes, led by teachers from the universities of Pavia, Palermo and Verona, dedicated to 6 disciplines:

  • Mathematics (University of Pavia, Department of Mathematics)
  • Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (University of Pavia, Dept. of Industrial and Information Engineering-DIII).
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (University of Pavia, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • Physics (University of Palermo, Dept. of Physics and Chemistry);
  • Astrophysics (University of Palermo, Dept. of Physics and Chemistry);
  • Exercise physiology and biomechanics (University of Verona, Department of Motor Sciences).

Furthermore, in February 2024 a pilot class dedicated to Materials Science was launched led by the University of Padua (Department of Chemical Sciences) involving another 15 male and female students.

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