Italy 24 Press News

Napoli about-face: Conte has lost Lukaku

Voltaface Napoli: the situation surrounding Lukaku is not the best. Indeed, the former Roma’s return to Serie A is dramatically receding. Here’s the news

If you think about Antonio With you think about Lukaku as a striker. The performance of the Belgian center forward with the Italian coach has always been very important, and when the former Tottenham player signed with Napoli there was immediate talk of a possible return of Big Rom to Italy.

Romelu Lukaku, travels to Saudi Arabia (Lapresse) –

Roma won’t buy him out: the Friedkins make such big investments – 43 million of euros of release clause – they don’t make them for players who are over thirty. Rightly so: different profiles are sought and evaluated, of young men who can also lead to some capital gains in the future. This is why there is no hope of seeing Lukaku again in Trigoria. And according to the Corriere dello Sport on newsstands this morning the chances of seeing him again in Italy are slim.

Lukaku towards Arabia, goodbye Naples

Manna, the new sporting director of the Azzurri who arrived from Juventus tried: but on the part of the Chelsea a real wall has risen. Londoners, despite having to sell by June 30th to try to fall within the limits of Financial Fair Play, for now do not want to hear about discounts, so they want all the money they have decided to ask for since last year. And Napoli has no intention of spending them on Romelu.

Antonio Conte, Napoli will have to find another striker (Lapresse) –

So the Saudi Arabia track returns strongly: in those parts they hope that the intention of the Belgian who refused last year may be different. A year later Lukaku does not close the doors, and according to what he transpires from the national team retreat together with DeBruyne he would have asked Carrasco who went to play in those parts for advice. Nothing in Italy, in short. Lukaku he is ready to completely change his life.

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