Italy 24 Press News

this is how Basilicata ranks among the Italian regions

Although “our Financial Administration has 190 databases digitally connected to each other” in Italy tax evasion remains very high and amounts to approximately 84 billion euros according to the latest available data published by the Mef (and relating to 2021).

This is reported by the Cgia of Mestre which explains how our tax authorities actually possess “an incredible amount of tax information which, if appropriately cross-referenced, could determine with great precision the tax loyalty of each of the 43.3 million Italian taxpayers”.

Information that would therefore not be exploited sufficiently.

Based on the Mef data, the CGIA also draws a map of tax evasion.

Today explains that “as is physiological, the loss of revenue affects the most populated regions which are also those where the concentration of economic activities is greatest such as Lombardy with 13.6 billion euros of lost revenue, Lazio with 9, 1, Campania with 7.8 and Veneto with 6.5.

However, if we examine the data obtained by calculating the ratio between the amount evaded for every 100 euros of tax revenue collected, it emerges that the propensity for tax evasion especially affects the regions of Southern Italy.

In fact, in Calabria it is at 18.4 percent, in Campania at 17.2, in Puglia at 16.8, in Sicily at 16.5 and in Basilicata at 14.1.

On the other hand, the territories most faithful to taxation are the Autonomous Province of Trento with an estimated evasion of 8.6 percent, Lombardy with 8 percent and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano with 7.7 percent .

The national average is instead equal to 11.2 percent”.

Here are the regions where evasion occurs the most according to the Cgia graph on Mef data.

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