Italy 24 Press News

Lecce: “Theatre of places” presented

Below is the press release:

Saturday 15 June at 11.00 at the Cantieri Teatrali Koreja in Lecce, the TEATRO DEI LUOGHI INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 2024 was presented, a project by Koreja co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, the European Union, the Puglia Region and Pugliapromozione PO Puglia FESR ESF 2014-2020 Axis VI Action 6.8 and created with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the European Union, the Puglia Region, the Municipality of Lecce; in collaboration with Polo Biblio Museale di Lecce, University of Salento, CdL DAMS, University “A. Moro” of Bari, Archdiocese of Lecce, ArtWork Cultura, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, ARVa, Archaeological Park of Rudiae, Artweek. With the patronage of the Province of Lecce.

Now in its XVIII edition, the FESTIVAL is a wide-ranging project which, thanks to the revaluation of tourist attractions and cultural heritage through art, aims to support tourism and convey the image of Puglia, offering the spectator/tourist new tools to modify the perception of the territory.


Aldo Patruno, Director of the Department of Tourism, Economics of Culture and Promotion of the Territory, Puglia Region;

Paul Pontius, Professor of philosophy at the “A.Moro” University of Bari and President of the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese;

Salvatore Tramacere, Artistic director of the Koreja Theater in Lecce.

“The Theater of Places – he explains Salvatore Tramacere, artistic director of Koreja – is the result of months of passionate work and precious collaborations and for us it represents not only the celebration of art, but a meeting point for the whole community and for tourists. From this year the Festival will not be “just” a cultural event, but will represent a significant moment for the entire territory thanks to three days of rich and complex training.

The Suole di Vento project, in fact, which in its title is inspired by Rimbaud narrated by Verlaine and pays homage to Goffredo Fofi, will be a multidisciplinary opportunity in the form of dialogue, which will see important names from the contemporary cultural scene talk and discuss with over 50 participants from from all over Italy. A unique and special moment in which stories, professionalism and reflections will meet and come to life, nourished by listening and exchanging.

The support received for the organization of this festival is a tangible testimony of how collaboration with the institutions and the many partners who support us can give life to projects of great importance, which enrich our cultural heritage and promote the artistic and human growth of the whole territory.”

11 days of uninterrupted programming, 18 shows, 6 places in the city involved, 3 days of training and important names on the contemporary artistic and literary scene. This year’s subtitle No land in sight which pays homage to the Pulitzer Prize winner and master of American poetry of Serbian origin, Charles Simic, who passed away just over a year ago.

This year, FIRST BIG NEWSthe Teatro dei Luoghi sees a concentrated program from 15 to 25 July, without interruptions.

From 19 to 21 July one SECOND IMPORTANT NEWS which will increasingly characterize the festival, bringing participants from all over Italy to Lecce, SOLES OF WIND art practices three days of training during which leading exponents of journalism and fiction, figurative arts and the stage will share the reasons for their vocation and the fundamentals of the profession. Soles of Wind it will be a time-occasion in which to put into practice cognitive listening, transmission of knowledge and accumulation of experience.

Over 50 participants will listen to the lesson and discuss it with Nicola Lagioia, Concita De Gregorio, Stefano Massini, Francesca Mannocchi, Pippo Delbono, Ermanna Montanari and Marco Martinelli, Elena Bucci, Alfredo Pirri, Stefano Ricci, Licia Laneracoordinated by Alessandro Toppi


The OLD TOWN will welcome spectators in a narrative frame in dialogue with the performance. The Festival, in fact, is inaugurated Monday 15 July with a large street parade which, starting from Porta Napoli, will involve the city center in a dreamlike journey, through alleys and squares, led by actors on stilts, live music and theatrical machines that the Modenese Theater of the Winds dedication to DON QUIXOTE. The event is sponsored by the Municipality of Lecce.

CONVITTO PALMIERI. Between cloister, church and theatre, the space represents a fascinating mix of the sacred and the profane which sees artistic languages ​​at the center of use.

Tuesday 16 July in the Cloister Koreja presents ON WATER a show freely inspired by the Tale of the Vajont by Marco Paolini and Gabriele Vacis, directed by Salvatore Tramacere.

Great anticipation Wednesday 17 July at the Teatrino del Convitto Palmieri for the double replica of THE CONVERSION OF A HORSE Tableaux vivants from Caravaggio by Ludovica Rambelli Theatre: thanks to the bodies of the actors, everyday objects and fabrics draped with the tableaux vivants technique, 23 canvases by Caravaggio are composed, before the eyes of the spectators.

Thursday 18 July last appointment in the Cloister with Andrea Baracco / Cardellino srl and the METAMORPHOSES from Ovid’s “The Metamorphoses”, a moving encyclopedia of the most famous tales of antiquity and of all the passions and unhappiness that reign in the world of human beings.

From the 16th to 18th July in the Church of San Francesco della Scarpa WITHOUT TITLE a performative installation by Romeo Castellucci / Societies: a reiterated movement, like a primitive gesture that starts from the bodies to become sound, an ancestral prayer.

The three days are held in collaboration with Art Week, an exhibition dedicated to contemporary art.

THE OLIVETANI MONASTERY today home to the University of Salento, it will offer its historical and architectural heritage to a new use.

Friday 19 July the Cloister hosts Nicola Lagioia with SOON I WILL KNOW WHO I AM, a lesson on the art of telling stories through literature, from Homer to the present day; always the July 19th Pippo Delbono will be on stage with DI NOTTE, a show made up of poems and born from a need. The need to write to feel free.

Saturday 20 July Stefano Massini presents THE ALPHABET OF EMOTIONS. On stage is the strength and fragility of the human being, depicted by a passionate storyteller.

Sunday 21 July it will be the journalist’s turn Concita De Gregorio e of Apulian cash Erica Mou with ONE LAST THING, Five invectives, seven women and a funeral

PIAZZA DUOMO it will become a natural setting for a unique and symbolic event, integrating elements of literature, spirituality and history with the community.

Monday 22 July on the Bell Tower, in fact, Ermanna Montanari / Albe will give voice to the XXXIII canto Paradiso with VIRGIN MOTHER, DAUGHTER OF YOUR SON, a work in which everything becomes an intense heartbeat, uncontrollable wonder, supreme tension, contagious emotion.

RUDIAE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK. Space for contemporary dance for a unique experience, which will combine the art of movement with the beauty of the panorama. A meeting between culture and nature, in the suggestive light of the sunset.

Tuesday 23 July Masque Theater presents VOODOO a performance to face the void and inhabit the dark light. Following Dewey Dell presents DERIVA TRAVERSA an attempt to decipher the invisible, a descent into the self, a geography of the supernatural.

Wednesday 24 July on stage Spellbound Contemporary Ballet with THE REAL YOU he talks about the search for an identity outside of a crystallized model

Thursday 25 July Parini Second presents SPEED, a choreographic and musical project inspired by the phenomenon of Para Para and Eurobeat, which spread in the 90s in Tokyo clubs: a centrifuge of pure and genuine enthusiasm. Following Parini Secondo / Bremo

With WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW, a shamelessly pop rock opera. A stadium dream, between infernal vibrations and sharp looks.

As always theORTAL KOREJA THEATER CONSTRUCTION SITE it will represent the city’s strong link with the suburbs, opening its space to the theater and the evening coolness, among aromatic herbs, lime trees, citrus fruits, roses and climbing jasmine.

Tuesday 23 July an event dedicated to the youngest with the PALADINS OF FRANCE of Koreja the story of the comic and tragic story of Charlemagne’s paladins, from the arrival at court of the beautiful Angelica to the massacre of Roncesvalles.

Wednesday 24 July Instead, Leo Bassi presents 70 YEARS in which the world-famous clown retraces his adventurous life with incredible stories animated by his atavistic provocative and irreverent spirit.

The closing of the Festival Thursday 25 July is entrusted to the Bulgarian queer artist, singer-songwriter, theater director and performance artist Ivo Dimchev with TOP FAVES a hypnotic and transgressive musical performance.

THIRD NEWS of this edition the Teatro dei Luoghi OFF, the post-festival event you didn’t need. From 19th to 24th July, starting from 10pm, the Ortale dei Cantieri Teatrali Koreja will be animated by activities in the name of “chill”, conviviality and, why not? of spirituality. Live music, tarot cards, yoga and various activities for an absolutely “out of place” post-festival experience.

Attentive to welcoming all audiences, the Festival is committed to ensuring better accessibility to the places and shows with the support of the Social Cooperative Integration that thanks to the accessibility mark AbilFesta will guarantee users maximum inclusion.

In addition to more institutional collaborations, the festival brings together a series of cultural realities present in Lecce and its province with the aim of creating a widespread information network to improve tourists’ stay in the city in an increasingly professional, updated and organized way.

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