Italy 24 Press News

Vivere San Giorgio is reconfirmed in San Giorgio su Legnano, the satisfaction of Mayor Ruggeri

The political group “Vivere San Giorgio”, led by the mayor Claudio Ruggeri, he was reconfirmed for the third consecutive time in San Giorgio su Legnano. A result that satisfies the mayor Ruggeri «We are a group of people who administer with different logic, compared to political groups who always wait for instructions from above». Below is the reflection signed Vivere San Giorgio.

The numbers enthusiasts (Fratelli d’Italia and Lega) had together reached 50% of the votes at the 2019 European elections, the other day 46%. Then it is not known whether we should also consider Forza Italia, which is its own group in the city council. In this case we go from 58% in 2019 to 54% of last Saturday’s vote. What first political push are we seeing in our municipality? Perhaps in 2022 in the administrative elections Vivere San Giorgio achieved a majority with 59%, while Fratelli d’Italia and Lega 28%? To then reach 44% in the September 2022 elections. Don’t people make the difference in municipal elections?

With Claudio Ruggeri, Vivere San Giorgio in 2022 he was reconfirmed at the helm of our municipality for the third time in a row, with free and democratic elections: perhaps because his militants are not asked for any party membership cards? Or perhaps because Vivere San Giorgio is a political group inspired by the principles of democracy, independence, political autonomy, freedom, equality and transparency? And if these principles are from the left, then yes, we are a left-wing group, if instead they are from the right we are a right-wing group, and finally if they are from the center we are a center force. But we don’t care… We are a group of people who administer with different logic, compared to political groups who always await instructions from above. We look for indications that come from below, we look at the common good and we follow paths that are not populist but concrete. We are a group open to internal and external discussion and which is not afraid of plurality. Probably the concreteness and ability to listen to the territory were aspects that convinced and continue to convince many of our fellow citizens. It is for this reason that we worry about the present and the future, with ideas that are decidedly clear and known to citizens and which characterize every political choice of the group.

The future of San Giorgio, and probably of the only planet we now have, lies in roads that are for everyone’s use, not just for large cars, in spaces that facilitate movement in a sustainable way over an area of ​​2 square km and which can be crossed on foot in a maximum of 20 minutes, in interventions that can address climate change, in the reduction of energy-intensive systems, in joining the Roccolo Park, in guaranteeing green spaces for citizens of all ages or structures to promote activity sports, in seeking synergies with local and supra-municipal entities to best provide services in the social, environmental and cultural fields, in supporting and listening to associations because they are the soul of our community, in managing the resources available to us in a prudent and transparent way entrust. Certainly what we achieve together is not understood by everyone and we calmly accept that someone thinks differently and claims that the resources used can be allocated differently, perhaps for effective but short-term interventions.

Meanwhile, in our spirit we maintain the willingness to discuss every concrete proposal from all political forces and we await all citizens “at the palace”, where the decision is made. We look forward to them when we invite them to participate in public assemblies to discuss issues and decisions that concern our beloved San Giorgio, we await them when we meet in the City Council, where every citizen can attend the discussions and comparisons between the various political voices, we await them in every event that the realities of San Giorgio know organize for the benefit of us Sangiorgesi. Our commitment in recent years has been dedicated to citizens and to large and small works, some visible and others invisible, but all intended with the aim of improving our community, as during the difficult moment of Covid, and it has not been wasted in words or occasional demagogy or in changing coats at every election.

Living San Giorgio

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