Italy 24 Press News

Earthquake in Veneto with epicenter in Posina, in the province of Vicenza: magnitude 2.9 shock

A seismic shock made the earth tremble in the Upper Vicenza area, with epicenter in Posinaon the border between Veneto and Trentino. The 2.9 magnitude earthquake it occurred at 2.48pm on Saturday 15 June and was also felt in the rest of the province of Vicenza. According to what was reported by the regional civil protection operations room, no damage to people or things has been reported at the moment.

The earthquake in Veneto

As reported by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the earthquake originated in a depth of 11 kilometers and was recorded about five kilometers south-east of Posina, in the Vicenza valley of the same name.

The 2.9 magnitude shock was felt also in other centers of the province, although it remains an event classified as “light”. From what appears from the initial investigations, no injuries or damage to the structures were reported. The various phone calls received to the single emergency number were made to ask for information, no requests for help or reports of collapses.

The municipalities in the province of Vicenza where it was warned

As noted by Ingv, the municipalities closest to the epicentre, in addition to Posina and the area of ​​the Pasubio massif, are:

  • Pasubio Valleys – VI (6km)
  • Vallarsa – TN (7km)
  • Recoaro Terme – VI (8km)
  • Lakes – VI (8km)
  • Torrebelvicino – VI (10km)

The shock was also felt in Veronese and in the Gardesano area and given the proximity to Trentino it was felt in particular in Vallagarina, from Ala and Avio to Mori.

The earthquake in Verona

Also in Veneto, last May 13th an earthquake was recorded in the province of Verona, a shock of magnitude 3.6 with its epicenter two kilometers north-east of Pescantina and in the area of ​​the nearby municipality of Bussolengo, in the Gardesano area.

The earthquake was detected at 10.50pm and clearly felt by the population, but even in that case it did not cause injuries or damage.

Photo source: Tuttocittà.it

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