Italy 24 Press News

Access to the southern Pescara beach closed “illegally”: Foschi invokes Marsilio and the Capitaneria – News

Pescara. The municipal councilor of the League Armando Foschi sent a letter to the president of the Region and the commander of the Harbor Office to request intervention on what he defines as “an abuse” in Piazza Le Laudi in Pescara.

“In Piazza Le Laudi”, reconstructs Foschi, “there is a gap for free access to the beach, 2.5 meters wide, foreseen by the Municipal Beach Plan, by the Regional Maritime State Property Plan, between the Lido delle Sirene and La Playa concessions, a gap furthermore mandatory and necessary to guarantee passage to rescuers in case of emergencies, beach users and disabled citizens. In 2020, suddenly, that passage was closed with the use of planters”, continues the Northern League member, “creating both a physical and visual barrier, with the affixing of a sign with the logo of the Lido delle Sirene bathing establishment and the writing ‘Passage temporarily closed due to Covid-19’. The gate also remained closed in the following winter period and, with the approach of the summer season – Year – 2021, citizens have forwarded several reports to the Municipality, the technical offices and the councilors, to ascertain the legitimacy of that closure

“The offices of the Municipality of Pescara have never authorized the closure of the gap”, continues Foschi, “and to this day the municipal offices, it seems, have not in any way authorized the closure of the 2.5 meter gap, which rests exclusively on communications from a concessionaire who would have freely and autonomously carried out the closure in order to regulate entrances and exits on the beach, preventing free access which, according to him, would not have allowed him to guarantee compliance with ministerial requirements for management of the Covid-19 emergency declared over two years ago”

“To date, despite everything, access to the beach continues to be prohibited to the disabled, the elderly, mothers with prams, all vulnerable users and above all to any rescuers”, concludes Foschi, who calls for “a decisive intervention by the authorities, each to the extent of their competence, to verify what has been reported and put an end to the probable abuse carried out”.

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