Italy 24 Press News

Claudio Tumatis and his passion for football: Ferrini Cagliari is in his heart

One of the most well-known and appreciated characters in island football was born in Pirri. Claudio Tumatis, 73 years old in July, always has in his heart his first love, the Ferrini of Cagliari with which in 1968 he became Sardinian champion in the Student category. «I was a “free agent”, a role which I retired at the end of the 1980s. Among my companions are Angelo Floris, Roberto Fiorillo and Gianfranco Antonazzo.”
Tumatis’ career as a footballer is short. «I played with Quartucciu and the IV mondo. At 25, due to work commitments, I had to abandon competitive football early to dedicate myself to amateur football.”
In the nineties Tumatis obtained the position of director of the Banco di Roma but did not leave the football world. In 1988 Ferrini called Tumatis and entrusted him with the delicate role of technical director: «To tell the truth, the first assignment was to guide the rookies first and then the very young players; In those years my son Ivan also played in the youth sector, later moving to the Allievi Nazionale of Cagliari and later wearing the shirts of Selargius in D, San Sperate in Eccellenza, Guspini, obviously Ferrini in Promozione and Settimese, winning the championship first category.”
Tumatis, in addition to football, has another passion: «Politics, from 2006 to 2011 I was a City Councilor of Cagliari, now I am a close collaborator of the Honorable Fausto Piga, Mayor of Barrali and Regional Councilor».
Do politics and sport have similarities? On this Tumatis is lapidary: «No. Politics should take advantage of the principles that characterize the sporting world. Spirit of sacrifice, team spirit, respect for the opponent; all examples that a higher level policy should follow, especially to increase government action that helps the less well-off classes”.
Tumatis currently holds the role of Internal Auditor in the TDM 2000 INTL association, an association that promotes volunteering and youth exchange involving 30 partners spread all over the world, but he always finds time to enjoy a few football matches: «Obviously I follow Cagliari and I would have a name to propose for the bench: Bernardo Mereu. I think you deserve this chance. I consider him the best Sardinian coach of the last 30 years.”
In the world of football you meet thousands of people and some stand out for their ability, passion and love for the sport: «In this regard I would like to mention two names who stood out in our Region, the late president Piero Polese and Angelo Loy, the historic director of the Johannes. Many young people must say thank you to them for having been kept away from the dangers of the road and from possible wrong choices.”

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