Italy 24 Press News

«We will decide the new mayor of Avellino. Clear agreements in the light of the sun”

«The citizens of Avellino decided two things in the first round: who should go to the ballot (Gengaro-Nargi ed.), therefore that the Civic Pact decide who will be the next mayor of the city. With or without formal appearances, we will clearly state in broad daylight what our decisions will be.”

As Rino Genovese to the press convened in the morning at the electoral committee in Piazza Libertà. The Rai journalist, the “loser” of the first round behind Gengaro (36.98%) and Nargi (32.49%), took stock to outline the margins of negotiation between the votes collected (21.86%) by his five lists for the decisive vote on Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th.

Last window available is on Sunday morning, from 9.30 to 13.30, at the general secretariat of Palazzo di Città for the reception of declarations of connection of additional lists, compared to those with which the connection was made in the first round.

«The city has chosen. Now it’s our turn.”

«This weekend the city, with its vote, made two important decisions. The first, which of the mayoral candidates should go to the ballot, chose Nargi and Gengaro, but made a decision that was perhaps even more important. The percentage of votes that honored the Civic Pact effectively decided who will choose the next mayor of the city of Avellino. We have a great responsibility and we don’t back down. We are a cohesive, compact pact and therefore we will be decisive, but following the rules of democracy and transparency that have always distinguished us during the campaign.”

The dialogue

«Let’s go step by step. The deadline for formal settlements expires tomorrow. I met both Nargi and Gengaro, with great cordiality, I wished them well for the success they had at the polls, and I told them what I shared with my councilor candidates and with the huge part of the city that voted for us . We are ready to dialogue on the basis of specific assumptions. The first, one clear, clear, serious, transparent sharing of our program. The city needs to know what we are talking about. And obviously then there administrative sharing for the implementation of the program. We are not interested in a division of power, but in guarantees in administrative management. Now there is time until tomorrow to decide, there are discussions taking place, I understand that this electoral law for the direct election of the mayor – which I don’t like too much – provides for this ballot formula with the implications that inevitably, if they do, they damage the coalition that made it to the ballot, having to also allow coalitions that are related to participate in the majority prize. But it is the most democratic and transparent way that exists. We expect agreements to be made on this basis. If this does not happen, but I repeat, there are still hours to reflect, we enter another phase. Our position will not change, we will be decisive for the elections of the future mayor of Avellino, in fact the Pact will choose who will be the future mayor of Avellino, but always on the same basis. They will be clear, transparent agreements, because the city must know what we are agreeing on and for what.”

More Nargi than Gengaro…: «We can’t just talk about parties. We need to broaden our vision of the city. But I’m not ruling anything out.”

«There are ongoing discussions that start from understandable assumptions, but they are the assumptions that must be questioned. I certainly cannot make agreements with those who only want to talk about parties. Our entry into the field was made precisely to overcome the symbolism of the parties and participate in a competition in the name of the city. I cannot argue with those who have already locked down their councils and therefore do not want to participate in administrative management for the implementation of the program, not for the management of the party. Relationships and agreements are made on the basis of shared policies. We ask for the good of the city to share a policy. But I don’t exclude anything, on the contrary, if anything it is the others who exclude themselves. I understand that Gengaro is making an exclusively party speech. We proposed to broaden a vision of the city. There is a need for a moment of political maturity that leads to a choice for the good of the city and that overrides and goes beyond the exclusively symbolic vision of the parties.”

At the same time, D’Agostino talks about the future of Avellino Calcio, Genovese about the next mayor: «To the various mediators who are looking for us, I say don’t waste your time»

«Honestly, I didn’t even know that D’Agostino was giving a conference like this – he replies to Orticalab ed. -. I wish the whole city that D’Agostino can take us to Serie B, I don’t know his decisions, but our pact is not made by D’Agostino and Petitto. I understand that journalistic simplification leads to this, but it is made up of 150 candidates who I have defined as a “salvation army”. I take this opportunity to suggest to the mediators who are currently contacting all my candidates on both sides not to waste time. Our decision will be unambiguous, solid and therefore decisive.”

The future of Rino Genovese

«This is a personal aspect that I am evaluating with my company. I would be really happy to be able to continue contributing to the development of my city from the opposition benches. This would make me really proud.”

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