Italy 24 Press News

The Church of Naples invites Uneba to be a “protagonist of good” with children and young people

The mass celebrated by Mons. Pelvi for the Uneba conference

The archbishop Monsignor Vincenzo Pelvi celebrated the mass for the participants in the Uneba conference in Naples in the church of San Carlo Borromeo in the Naples business center, bringing the greetings of the Diocese of Naples and the archbishop Monsignor Domenico Battaglia.

“We must involve – this is the invitation he addressed to Uneba in his homily – all the institutions in a constructive and effective discussion through a tireless collaboration that intercepts the first symptoms of psychological distress in adolescents. The urgency of being close to the new generations, to our boys and girls, remains important, especially if they are in difficulty and marginalized, and even if they have made mistakes. Let’s take young people in a state of fragility by the hand (…) with the willingness to get involved for them or, as Don Bosco repeated, ‘We put our face to it’”.

In many years Uneba has offered the opportunity to encounter so much suffering, desperation, sometimes violence, but we have never given up. The logic that leads to saying ‘we won’t solve anything anyway’ doesn’t belong to us.

This conference then takes place on the eve of the Jubilee, to which Pope Francis has entrusted a precise connotation: to be pilgrims of hope, especially in what he defines as the existential peripheries. I invite you, therefore, to consider the work of these days as a strong sign for looking at the future of the new generations not as defeated but as protagonists of good”

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