Italy 24 Press News

Caltanissetta, the Police Commissioner Pinuccia Albertina Agnello has issued nine provisions implementing prevention measures – Caltanissetta Police Headquarters

Three proposals were also put forward for the application of special public security surveillance at the local Court against mistreatment subjects for having made serious threats and violence.

The Police Commissioner of the province of Caltanissetta Pinuccia Albertina Agnello, following an investigation by the local Anti-Crime Police Division, has issued nine provisions implementing prevention measures against people who have been responsible for serious anti-social conduct. Four “warning” measures for domestic violence were issued against a 60-year-old for having carried out physical and moral violence against his wife, most recently hit with punches and slaps; of a 20-year-old for a series of persecutory acts, harassment and physical violence towards his ex-partner; of a 24-year-old drug user for having attacked his father, damaging the household furnishings, in the presence of minors, because the parent, after insistent continuous requests, refused to give him money; of a 46-year-old for threatening his wife with a knife to kill him.

Five “oral warning” measures were issued against a 35-year-old, reported by the Carabinieri of Mussomeli for contempt and resistance to a public official; of a 33-year-old, arrested by the Gela Public Safety Police Station for possession for the purpose of dealing cocaine; of a 25-year-old, reported by the Carabinieri of Delia for driving without a license and under the influence of alcohol and drugs and for insulting a public official; of a 25-year-old and two 34-year-olds, arrested by the Gela Public Safety Police Station for possession for the purpose of dealing drugs. With the prevention measures issued by the Police Commissioner, the aforementioned people were all invited to change their conduct.

The Police Commissioner also put forward a proposal to apply special public security surveillance to the local Court against three mistreatment subjects, for having made serious threats and violence towards their respective companions.

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