Italy 24 Press News

Wind, push for tourism in Reggio Calabria

June 15th is Global Wind Day. This day was conceived as an international awareness campaign to promote awareness of wind energy as a renewable and clean energy source. On this occasion, we want to tell – however – how the wind can be a driving force for tourism. It happens, for example, in Reggio Calabria, where the constant and favorable winds attract enthusiasts of water sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing.

One of the windiest places in the world is in Reggio Calabria

The Reggio area, as well as the whole of Calabria, lend themselves due to their geographical conformation and meteorological characteristics to some sports disciplines that have to do with the sea and also with the wind. Kitesurfing is just that and Punta Pellaro it is one of the places in the world – reviewed by specialized meteorology sites – with the most intense and frequent wind during the spring and summer months.

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This has attracted many enthusiasts in the world, to the point that today it constitutes a large community of athletes who come here to practice kitesurfing at a competitive level. We have been organizing Italian federal championships here for a decade now.

Also this year Pellaro, therefore Reggio, will host two disciplines: the big air, the most famous in kitesurfing (we will also host the world champion Andrea Principi who won the most important competition: the King of the air) and the freestyle (for the occasion there will be Gianmaria Coccoluto Italian champion among the first in the world). And we will be even more competitive because we will have the Italian world champion of the specialty wave (which includes all disciplines) Airton Cozzolino.

TO KNOW MORE: From energy to tourism, Professor Arena: «The sea is an opportunity»

This makes us particularly proud not only for the level of the competition, but because they attract attendance from all over Europe, already confirmed.

An opportunity for tourism and the local economy

International appearances, however, go beyond competitive events. In fact, we have obtained the title of national training ground. These days there are ten Austrian guys with us who are training at sea. The implications for the territory are clearly important. With these activities that we host during all seasons, we manage to attract thousands of visitors per year, with greater intensity during the summer period.

Bed and breakfasts and accommodation businesses have sprung up around us right in Pellaro with noteworthy economic implications: pizzerias, restaurants, supermarkets, everyone benefits.

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A double impact, therefore, in terms of image and economics, which confirms how the sea (and in this case also the wind), in our area, can represent a resource. Our territory “exploits” it only in part. We associations are doing our best, the hope is that the institutions will do the same, also seizing the opportunities linked to the greater presence of tourists that is starting to register in our area.

* President of the “Free Spirits Punta Pellaro” sailing club FIV Calabria-Basilica councilor

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