Italy 24 Press News

COSENZA – Inspection by Mayor Caruso to the Fountains of Piazza Loreto

«The fountains of Piazza Loreto, like other fountains in the city, including that of the Holy Spirit and Piazza Europa etc. they represent urban elements to be regenerated because they are a nice business card for tourists and visitors.” This is what the mayor of Cosenza said, Franz Carusoduring the inspection of the fountains in Piazza Loreto.

«We are carrying out – he explained – a 360° administrative action, but which has necessarily seen us particularly committed to urgencies and emergencies, which we have resolved or which are in the process of being resolved, without giving up planning and planning for the present and the future of the smart and sustainable city that we intend to create. We started from the peripheral and popular neighborhoods, which have always been abandoned to themselves, without forgetting the city center with extraordinary and often urgent interventions with the aim of restoring normality to the services offered to our citizens”.

«In particular, the fountains in Piazza Loreto have been standing still for about 6 years and – he further explained –, left in total neglect, they have lost their appeal which must be restored. From the check that I wanted to carry out personally, I found an evident fault in the lighting spotlights, some of which were destroyed, and, following a discussion with the Night manager, the malfunction of the immersion pump for lifting water was found. Problems that need to be resolved, for which I have already given a mandate to the sector manager who, once the necessary funds have been obtained, will proceed with the overall restoration of the fountains”.

«One step after another, without ever stopping we have overcome truly difficult moments dictated by economic contingency and not only – concluded Franz Caruso – Continuing on the path undertaken we will arrive everywhere, to bring to normality a city that was experiencing chronic criticality in every point of sight and in every sector of public life”. (rcs)

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