Italy 24 Press News

Truck loaded with special and illegal waste, the Local Police of Parabiago reports a 41 year old

During a control of the territory, a patrol of the Local Police of Parabiago identified and stopped, in recent days, a lorry loaded with municipal and special waste of a non-hazardous nature. The driver of the vehicle is a 41-year-old Italian resident in the hinterland, repeat offender and already known to the Police Force. Stopped by the officers during the ongoing check, he was unable to demonstrate possession of the waste identification forms and the vehicle used to transport the waste was found not to be registered in the National Register of Environmental Managers. The driver of the truck was therefore reported to the Judicial Authority and the vehicle seized.

Anti-degradation controls

Only two weeks ago the Local Police had reported two other citizens, both of foreign nationality, for uncontrolled abandonment of waste on public land. Added to these are further complaints for crimes of abandonment, uncontrolled storage and transport of waste carried out during Environmental Police checks in recent months. In fact, from January 2024 to today there have been 22 complaints of this type carried out by the Local Police Command and in most cases it involves non-residents.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the importance of these preventive actions implemented by the City’s Local Police: identifying, stopping and reporting those who abandon waste in the area not only creates a deterrent for other criminals to violate the rules of coexistence and environmental respect, above all it avoids public degradation and costly waste disposal costs borne by the community.

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