Italy 24 Press News

Luzii chooses his new deputy: Iachini is favored for the position – Teramo

SAINT HOMER. Once the electoral euphoria which saw “Sant’Omero che we want” overflowing in consensus with almost 64.58 percent, leading to the building in via Veneto for the third time Andrea Luzii, it’s time to think about council tasks. The reconfirmed mayor begins working on the composition of his executive. The two most voted are Tatiana Iachini And Lorenzo Rastelli who mortgage the office to the council. Iachini confirms that she is a driver of consensus as she already did in the past and she could return to being vice mayor. Rastelli, already a majority municipal councilor and group leader, has grown electorally and therefore reserves a place on the council, perhaps maintaining the delegation to events. The other successful woman is Fausta De Ascaniis, secretary of the Democratic Party and former city councilor, for whom Luzii could reserve a position. Yes, because now things become less easy in the composition of the executive if the yardstick for the choice of councilors were consensus.
The executive is made up of four councillors, excluding the mayor, so in addition to Iachini (or De Ascaniis) and Rastelli, Luzii must find suitable accommodation Antonio Olivieri And Adriano Di Battista who, if they were chosen, would complete the council while respecting the pink quota and the principle of consensus received. The one who didn’t make it is the vice mayor Antonio Macrillante, whose 145 votes were not enough to enter the council. He remains in opposition Nadia Ciprietti, which received 35.42%. “Change with us Saint Homer” she tried to restrain Luzii without success. The two fiefdoms in which the new opposition could have the greatest impact, namely the historic center and Poggio Morello, in reality did not give the expected push to the mayor who withstood the blow. Luzii’s third mandate starts, from a programmatic point of view, from the conclusion of the construction sites started and, in perspective, from the promotion of the territory because it is along this line that the reconfirmed mayor wants to take his steps. He has in his hands the project to relaunch the historic center, the new master plan to be carried out and, in the immediate future, the summer events.

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