Italy 24 Press News

Vicinanza takes office as mayor of Castellammare di Stabia – News

The journalist Luigi Vicinanza is from today officially mayor of Castellammare di Stabia and wore the tricolor sash for the first time this morning, on the occasion of the proclamation at Palazzo Farnese.

This morning the handover between the extraordinary commission that led the city for over two years, after its dissolution due to Camorra infiltration, and Vicinanza at the helm of a centre-left coalition.

“We must make Castellammare di Stabia great again, as it has been in its history and will be in its future”. But the departure of the new mayor is focused first and foremost on making everyday life livable, “as thousands of people I met during the electoral campaign – he explains – asked me”. And then focusing on the numerous assets of the city: “The main one which is the sea, an extraordinary heritage together with the beach – Vicinanza listed – together with the mountain, the Faito, a great green lung; the spa unfortunately sadly closed for decades, to restore the waters to the citizens; our archaeological heritage with the Villas of Varano and the Museum of the Royal Palace of Quisisana” “And, last but not least – concluded Vicinanza – the Naval Shipyard and the production apparatus linked to the two ports if we are capable of renewing by innovating”.

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