Italy 24 Press News

Three thousand votes for Avs and an elected councilor – Pescara

PESCARA. «Having received 3,073 votes in the Pescara local elections, equal to 5.2%, is an extraordinary result for us». The Green Alliance and Left-Radici in Comune list, aligned with Carlo Costantinielects a municipal councilor, Simona Barba, and in coalition relations it surpasses the M5S (3.95%). “But we are saddened,” reads a note from the list founded by Daniele Licheriregional secretary of the Italian Left, «that we were unable to send him home Carlo Masci and the right who have already shown in recent years how dangerous they are for our territory. For a handful of votes we fail to get to the run-off in which we are sure that Costantini would have played an important match. We cannot fail to renew our thanks to Costantini for the enormous generosity with which he conducted a very difficult electoral campaign. The candidates on our Avs-Radici in Comune list have made active commitment, listening, experience and skills available to the political project”, the note continues, “in dialogue with the territory for change. Special thanks go to the 3,070 electors and voters who supported us and to the 30 candidates who animated this electoral campaign with passion and intelligence. Thank you very much and congratulations to our newly elected councilor Simona Barba who will be available for this political project to counter the aggressive and populist policies of an increasingly arrogant and dangerous centre-right.”

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