Italy 24 Press News

line changes from June 17th

TURIN – Following the works necessary for the renewal of the track switches and a portion of the tracks themselves on the west side of Piazza della Repubblica, from Monday 17 June 2024 the service will vary lines 3 – 4 – 16 CD – W60 SILVER.

In particular

Line 3. It will be operated by buses until the works are completed.

BUS line 3. From 8.30am on 17 June until the end of the works the buses will be diverted as follows.
Direction of Corso Tortona: from Corso Regina Margherita diverted into Corso Principe Eugenio, Corso Beccaria, Piazza Statuto, Corso San Martino, Piazza XVIII Dicembre, Via Cernaia, Via Pietro Micca, Via Bertola, Via XX Settembre, Corso Regina Margherita, Via Fontanesi, Corso Belgium, Corso Tortona, Corso Regina Margherita where it has a temporary terminus at Largo Berardi at stop no. 214 – “L.go Berardi”.
Direction Piazzale Vallette: from the temporary terminus it continues along Corso Regina Margherita from which it diverts into Via Milano, Via San Francesco d’Assisi, Via Pietro Micca, Via Cernaia, Piazza XVIII Dicembre, Corso San Martino, Piazza Statuto, Corso Beccaria, Corso Principe Eugenio, Corso Regina Margherita, normal route.

Line 4. From 8.30 am on 17 June until the end of the works the trams will carry out the following route deviation.
Only in the direction of Strada del Drosso: from Corso Giulio Cesare diverted into Corso Palermo, Via Bologna, Ponte Bologna, Corso XI February, Corso Regina Margherita, Via Milano, normal route.

Line 16 CDs. From 8.30am on Monday 17th to the end of service on Wednesday 19th June.
From Corso Tassoni trams diverted to Via Cibrario, Piazza Statuto, Corso San Martino, Piazza XVII Dicembre, Via Cernaia, Via Pietro Micca, Via Bertola, Via XX Settembre, Corso Regina Margherita, normal route.

W60 SILVER line. The night line in service every Friday, Saturday and on the eve of holidays, from 21 June until the end of the works will be diverted as follows.
Only in the direction of Piazza Vittorio Veneto: from Corso Regina Margherita diverted into Corso Principe Eugenio, Corso Beccaria, Piazza Statuto, Corso San Martino, Piazza XVIII Dicembre, Via Cernaia, Via Pietro Micca, current route.

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