Italy 24 Press News

Scholarships: Santangelo, common criteria for all universities in Abruzzo

(REGFLASH) Pescara, 14 June. – The criteria and requirements for assigning scholarships will be common for all universities in Abruzzo. This is what was established by the Regional Council which, on the proposal of the Councilor for Education and University Roberto Santangelo, approved a resolution that defines the operational guidelines of the scholarship announcements both for universities and for higher artistic and musical education .

“We considered it important – comments councilor Santangelo – to standardize the system for the assignment of scholarships by the companies for the right to university studies in L’Aquila, Chieti – Pescara and Teramo and it will be implemented as early as the 2024 academic year -2025, in order to determine single operational guidelines for all Abruzzo universities”.

The indication of common operational guidelines, explains councilor Santangelo, “responds, first of all, to a need for alignment with national legislation, but above all to ensure that there are no discrepancies between the notices in order to guarantee equal access to benefits for all ADSU students of Abruzzo universities. The review process – reports the University councilor – also concerns the updating of the minimum amounts to be paid to beneficiaries, the maximum admissible values ​​of the ISEE and ISPE indicators, as well as the timing and methods of disbursement of the scholarship. Offering deserving students the opportunity to continue their studies – concludes Santangelo – is fundamental to guaranteeing the right to study as enshrined in the Italian Constitution”. (REGFLASH) US 240614

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