Italy 24 Press News

The “Poli Vittoria Project” for the training of young rugby players was presented in L’Aquila

L’AQUILA – Bringing together the training of young rugby players from Abruzzo, to improve the local system, enhance virtuous methodologies and contribute to the development of the clubs. This, in a nutshell, is the objective of the “Poli Vittoria project“, presented on Thursday 13 June to the Municipality of L’Aquila by the Italian Rugby Federation, Vittoria Assicurazioni and the Abruzzo clubs involved in the project.

In particular, they were the ones who did it Giorgio Morelli (Fir deputy vice president), Carlo Checchinato (Fir commercial director), Luciano Chillemi (institutional communication and customer care manager of Vittoria Assicurazioni), Luca Morelli (agent Vittoria Assicurazioni L’Aquila Ovest), Francesco Urbani (Fir grassroots rugby manager) and the managers of the companies involved.

With the aim of contributing to the qualitative and quantitative growth of rugby in Italy – and therefore to the strengthening of the social fabric of the country – Vittoria Assicurazioni (main partner of Fir), has decided to support five U16 Development Poles for clubs, which constitute the first moment of qualitative aggregation of the athletes foreseen by the federal technical project. The centers selected for the project supported by Vittoria Assicurazioni are those of Treviso, Padua, Parabiago, Parma and L’Aquila. These are “pilot hubs”, which represent an experiment to be subsequently extended to other territories.

The new training center in L’Aquila it will be coordinated by Fir and the club of the Abruzzo capital Rugby Experience as a technical and logistical reference, concretely supported by the other clubs participating in the project.

The U16 hubs constitute the first moment of qualitative aggregation of the federal technical project, offering clubs and athletes a moment of training and development, with similar conditions for training methodology, nutrition and physical work to those envisaged in the subsequent steps of the FIR path. Furthermore, the young people who will be part of it will have the opportunity to compete in high-level appointments and growth events. Not only that, thanks to the support of Vittoria Assicurazioni, scholarships will also be made available for some of the young people taking part in the project.

“We believe that training is a real structural investment because it offers concrete and lasting results – he stated Giorgio Morelli during the presentation of the initiative – offering young people role models and opportunities to grow from a sporting, cultural and social point of view is the way for FIR to best grasp its institutional objectives by positioning itself as a reference in the social context”.

We also want to build a development center in Abruzzo that takes into account both the technical-sporting values ​​and the importance of education, study and sociality, and which therefore constitutes a moment of growth for everyone: “Vittoria wants to decline in the territory this philosophy with us, which is why he chose L’Aquila as the place to inaugurate this commitment. It’s a challenge for us and for the clubs, but also for the kids who can have an opportunity to have fun growing up.”

The role of Vittoria Assicurazioni, however, will not end with economic support. In fact, the Company will launch an important educational and awareness campaign aimed at spreading the insurance culture to make people more informed and aware of the social value of insurance. An ambitious project for which it will make available to the companies participating in the “Poli Vittoria” initiative and to all members the professionalism and skills of its agents present in the area and a tailor-made, high-performance and competitive offer.

“We are proud to be among the active supporters of this project because we firmly believe that sport is a crucial element in the development and well-being of young people. – he has declared Luciano Chillemi – together with Fir in recent years we have undertaken a journey that immediately went beyond mere commercial boundaries, transforming into a common project of social sustainability. And this work in favor of the movement is the perfect testimony to this.”


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