Italy 24 Press News

The former President of the Chamber Irene Pivetti has been sent to trial. The mask scam trial in Busto Arsizio

The judges of the hearing at the Court of Busto Arsizio will decide whether the former president of the Chamber Irene Pivetti, the daughter, the son-in-law, the entrepreneur Luciano Mega and collaborators are to be judged guilty or innocent.

The judge for the preliminary hearing Anna Giorgetti has ordered the indictment of all eight protagonists of the investigation by the Busto Arsizio Prosecutor’s Office which hypothesizes a huge fraud on the State for the business of masks imported from China during the pandemic.

The crimes contested by prosecutor Ciro Caramore range from fraud in public supplies, embezzlement, money laundering and self-laundering, aggravated smuggling and fraudulent bankruptcy for a total value of 35 million euros received following a Civil Protection emergency procedure. Pivetti, together with the entrepreneur, would have imported masks worth 10 million euros of poor quality, practically unusable, with a false CE mark. Ninety-two charges identified in the request for indictment.

The defendants’ lawyers argued, in the various hearings, for territorial jurisdiction, which however the judge rejected, also accepting the 13 civil parties formed, including the State and a long series of local healthcare and private bodies. The trial will begin on November 21.

Two days ago, she also received a request for a 4-year sentence from the Milan Prosecutor’s Office for tax evasion and self-laundering in the context of commercial operations in the luxury car sector, dating back to 2016 and worth around 10 million. of Euro.

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