Italy 24 Press News

Redundancy fund for workers at the former Iveco in Foggia


Fpt Industrial leaders have announced that layoffs will be adopted for workshops 1 and 2 of the former Iveco plant in Foggia for four days, from 25 to 28 June.

This was communicated by Pasquale Capocasale, national secretary of Fismic, one of the main protagonists of the union negotiations with the metalworking company.

“This social safety net will be used – said Capocasale – to face the period of crisis due to a considerable drop in production volumes. Until now, steps had been taken to alleviate this period of crisis through the tools available to the company, such as collective annual paid leave. As for what will happen starting from the month of July – concludes Capocasale – in the next few days we will be able to understand what the solutions adopted by Fpt will be”.

The last few months, starting from the end of 2023, have unfortunately recorded a considerable drop in production volumes resulting in the non-confirmation of temporary workers.

At the beginning of 2024 the FTP leaders had communicated a drop in production due to the certainly not positive moment in the national and international scenario which would also have led to the use of the redundancy fund to make up for the lack of production volumes.

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