Italy 24 Press News

in the province of Pordenone the test has been extended to the municipalities. Here’s where you can do it

PORDENONE – The pilot project which eliminates waiting times for issuing passports is expanding to Maniago and Spilimbergo. After the experimentation in San Vito al Tagliamento and Sacile, the commissioner Giuseppe Solimene extended the service to the two district municipalities which are the reference point for the “high lands”. «Services and security move in parallel and the synergy with local authorities is important», observed the commissioner, fully satisfied with the result obtained so far. In San Vito, as explained by the mayor Alberto Bernava, around a hundred passports have been issued. “Waiting times were reduced and the impact was strong,” he explained. “We had great consensus and renewed trust in the institutions.” Citizens of the entire district, which has 40 thousand inhabitants, can contact the Demographic Services of the Municipality of San Vito, including those who reside in Sesto al Reghena, Cordovado, Morsano, Casarsa, San Martino or Valvasone Arzene. The same goes for Sacile, which covers an area of ​​around 60 thousand inhabitants and where another hundred passports have been issued. «A fully successful project – said the mayor Carlo Spagnol – It exceeded expectations by providing answers quickly and unexpectedly».


The mayors of Maniago and Spilimbergo – Umberto Scarabello and Enrico Sarcinelli – underlined the role of “city at the bottom of the valley”, with a mountainous area upstream with geographical difficulties, but also digital literacy. Because you need the Spid to book yourself in the digital agenda. And you have to travel kilometers upon kilometers to reach Pordenone from Erto and Casso or from Tramonti di Sopra. In Maniago the agenda is already open, the same goes for Spilimbergo. Next week in the Municipality there will be a policeman from the Passport Office who will carry out the initial procedures and within 24/48 hours he will print the passport, which can be delivered again to the Municipality within a week (in case of emergency it can be collected immediately at the police station). Yesterday morning, as underlined by the director of the Administrative and Social Police Division, Pier Giovanni Rodriquez, the documents completed the day before in Sacile were signed.


Pordenone is the only police station that has doubled its work. «In four months – explained Rodriquez – we have made up for the delay due to Covid, Brexit and the fact that the passports did not arrive. We worked Saturday and Sunday to clear the backlog.” Inspector Giuseppe Teriaca, head of the Office, illustrated the new collaboration with local administrations. Each Municipality has its own agenda: you book, the forms are downloaded, your fingerprints are taken and then a “traveling” policeman intervenes. The procedure – already completed in the Municipality – is processed in the Police Headquarters, where the passports are printed. In July, the police commissioner announced, you will also be able to apply for a passport at the post office. In Western Friuli, however, we will continue with the agendas of the four district municipalities.


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The Gazzettino

PORDENONE – The pilot project which eliminates waiting times for issuing passports is expanding to Maniago and Spilimbergo. After the experimentation in San Vito al Tagliamento and Sacile, the commissioner…

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