Italy 24 Press News



Enzo De Vito, born in 1974, is the new sporting director of Potenza. The official announcement arrived yesterday. With this choice, the long search for Natino Varrà’s successor ends, which began after the conclusion of the play outs which confirmed Potenza’s permanence in Serie C and which involved the administrator Nicola Macchia who from this season will have a leading role plan on technical issues. In fact, it was Nicola Macchia himself who took care of the casting for the choice of the sporting director. He has the task of contacting and meeting many sports directors before making the final choice. De Vito will be presented next Monday. The new sporting director, born in Capriglia Irpina, began his career in Aversa Normanna where he remained from 2008 to 2011. Then the big leap to Avellino where he stopped for seven years, from 2011 to 2018. Here he contributed to Avellino’s promotion to Serie B, with Rastelli as coach, in the 2012-2013 season. De Vito worked with the Irpinia for another five consecutive seasons in Serie B. He subsequently moved to Parma as head of scouting from 2018 to 2020. Then a brief experience at Genoa and in 2021 transfer to Arezzo where for a year he carried out the functions of technical and general director. For the historical courses and recurrences series, De Vito returned to Avellino in 2022, again choosing Massimo Rastelli as coach who took Taurino’s place. The last two seasons in Tuscany and Campania were not exactly memorable for the new rossoblù sporting director. The failure with Arezzo and the subsequent mediocre championship with Avellino do not bode well for De Vito who was out of action last season before the decisive call came from Potenza for his return to Serie C football. Now he will immediately get to work with Nicola Macchia and the coach De Giorgio to set up the new staff that will present itself at the starting line of the 2024-2025 championship. Obviously to express an opinion. at least partial, we will have to wait for the first market moves on the new sporting director also based on what the economic budget that the ownership will decide will be. And then it will always be the field that will give the final and impartial judgment on De Vito’s abilities. Of course, if we limited ourselves to focusing on the experiences of Arezzo and his return to Avellino, we should be a little worried. But as we know, football always reserves many surprises, even positive ones, so we await the evolution of his work in deciding, in agreement with Macchia and De Giorgio, how the group entrusted to the Calabrian coach will be structured and also and above all the performances of the team. We are just curious to know from Nicola Macchia how he arrived at the choice of De Vito after speaking with many other contenders for the role. He was left uncovered after Varrà’s dismissal.

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