Italy 24 Press News

Tacconi underwent surgery in Turin: “Successful operation, he is awake and lucid”. Transferred to intensive care – Football

TURIN. Stefano Tacconi once again underwent a delicate and long surgical operation, technically successful and with a current good clinical outcome: Tacconi he is “awake, lucid and asymptomatic”, explains the note from the Molinette hospital in Turin, and is currently hospitalized in the hospital intensive care unit. The former Juventus goalkeeper, 67 years old, underwent surgery following a “serious picture of arterial ischemia of the right lower limb, which cannot be traced back to the previous pathology”, for which he was operated on in April 2022, when he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage following an ischemia, from which he emerged after a series of operations and a long period of rehabilitation.

The operation lasted around five hours: the former Juventus player suffers from “diffuse iliac-femoral aorto-femoral arteriopathy, an arterial obstruction from the aorta to the femur which required hospitalization although not urgently”. The innovative operation was carried out in the hybrid room of the Molinette hospital by the team led by the professor Fabio Verzini, involved extreme endovascular recanalization and surgical reconstruction of the femoral artery. The surgery was technically successful with current good clinical outcome.

“Dad has to face a new delicate operation – his son Andrea announced yesterday with a post on social media -. But his spirit does not change. He will always remain a lion”: in the next few days there will be further updates on his health conditions and his progress clinical.

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