Italy 24 Press News

Cagliari, two non-EU citizens arrested for robbery La Nuova Sardegna

Cagliari Two more young non-EU citizens arrested for the series of small robberies and criminal acts of various kinds which have been affecting public safety in the port and marina area for some time.

The police have identified and arrested two young Tunisians, believed to be the alleged perpetrators of an attempted aggravated robbery which took place on the evening of 8 June near the bus station in Piazza Matteotti. The two had ripped the gold chain from the neck of a minor boy, who was standing on the sidewalk with his mother waiting to cross. There was the reaction of the victim himself who tried to chase the two screaming to attract the attention of passers-by. During his escape, the mugger who was holding the chain lost it and then disappeared along with his friend.

An episode similar to those that occurred in the last two months in the Marina district, which saw small gangs of non-EU citizens attacking minors to rob them of wallets, chains and smartphones, often using pepper spray to block the victims’ reaction. Two Algerians were identified and arrested last week.

Now it was the turn of two Tunisians, identified by the policemen of the 2nd section of the Flying Squad, who conducted the investigations and, also through the examination of the video surveillance systems, acquired significant evidence against the suspects, then supported by the seizure of the clothes used during the robbery attempt, found in their homes. After being tracked down and blocked, they were accompanied to the police station, where, after further investigation, they were declared under arrest and taken to the Uta prison, awaiting validation of the arrest. (l.on)

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