Italy 24 Press News

Thirty complaints for stalking, then a 40-year-old from Aprilia is put in handcuffs

He had entrusted his outburst to the Corriere della Seratired of being threatened and violence despite having repeatedly denounced her persecutor, her ex-partner, who, most likely, did not accept the end of their relationship. Mother of four children, the woman had turned to the police thirty times, describing in detail the behavior that her 40-year-old had allegedly engaged in in the last two years. When it seemed that the world had collapsed around her, her turning point came: the police of Anzio arrested the suspect of violence, a man originally from Aprilia, in the province of Latina. The accusation made by the public prosecutor against the 40-year-old, who also has a criminal record, is of aggravated stalking and for this he ended up in prison. In the next few days he will be questioned by the judges and will have to respond to his ex-partner’s complaints.

The story

The story that was told by newspaper in via Solferino it is paradoxical and curious. The woman complained about the difficulties she encountered in her relationship with her ex-partner, despite the fact that she had turned to the police right from the first anomalous signal. She only now seems to be calmer afterwards the arrest of the man she reported thirty times in two years. In these twenty-four months, according to the stories provided to the police by the victim of continuous intimidation, the alleged stalker threatened and attacked her several times. The latest episode seems to have happened a few days ago when the 40-year-old entered his ex-partner’s house and destroyed much of the furniture. The woman explained that she had to go to emergency room.“The doctors – he said – I was diagnosed with anxiety disorders: palpitations, vomiting, tremor. Four days of prognosis. This is just one of the many episodes I have suffered”.

The images taken with the cell phone

Apparently there would also be some eloquent images shot with the mobile phone of the woman of the violence that the attacker would have exercised against her. The man entered the house by breaking a window glass. “It was 9.30 in the morning – has continued – and he had been drinking. It happens often. I tried to deal with the situation. But all this has a cost in psychological terms.”.

The indictment

The 40-year-old had previously been sent to trial on charges of harassment aggravated, but despite this he would not have been able to curb his violent impulse. “He feels untouchable – explained the ex-partner – as if everything were legal. The arrogance, the insults, the threats, the humiliations. It’s like living in fear day after day.”. The woman had almost given in to the man’s arrogance thinking that it was yet another complaint it would not have produced anything concrete, as had always happened in the past.

Instead, in the end the 40-year-old was arrested and is in prison although he will now have to stand trial. Until now the Red Code procedures had not been triggered, but now we will have to wait for the magistrates’ decision.

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