Italy 24 Press News

Fiumicino, Tari arrives: how to pay the deadlines

The residents of the fourteen localities of the Municipality of Fiumicino are about to receive the Tari. Here’s how the bills will arrive, when and how to pay.

All the useful information for paying the Tari and also what to do if you do not receive the waste tax slips

Tari bulletinsthe tax that finances the costs relating to the collection and disposal service of waste in the Municipality of Fiumicino, are arriving these days. They will arrive for ordinary mail, with both the bulletin and the information relating to payment methods attached.

You can use the system to pay PagoPA which, among other things, is convenient because in total transparency it also updates the amount automatically.

This ensures that there is immediacy between payment, receipt by the institution and feedback for the user.

If you want to pay in a single solution this must happen by August 31st.

The alternative is the payment in four installments. In this case the deadline for the first is set for June 30th. The second installment must be paid by August 31st, the third installment by October 31st and the fourth at the end of the year, by December 31st.

For online payments you can therefore refer to the channels participating in the PagoPA online circuit such as home banking, payment apps or the PagoPA website, while those who opt for the unique solution you can also proceed via the app I.

Obviously, there remains the possibility of making the payment in person in cash, credit cards or current account, using bank branches, ATMs/ATMs, post offices, affiliated outlets such as betting shops and supermarkets.

What to do if you don’t receive the bulletin

You will be able to go to the Municipality and Fiumicino Tributi websites and, through the taxpayer portal, view your position and download payment forms.

For further information: – 06/65043253 (TARI Service).

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