Italy 24 Press News

Prostate cancer, the Bergamo Oncology Association donates a latest generation ultrasound machine to Pope John XXIII

Bergamo. Thanks to its very high resolution, which exploits high frequency waves (microultrasound), the latest generation ultrasound system supplied to the Urology DepartmentASST Pope John XXIII It allows a better definition of the prostatic tissue and a greater possibility of identifying any suspicious lesions. The instrument has already come into operation and was donated by AOB Bergamo Oncology Association. It will be used alongside MRI to refine the ability to diagnose prostate cancer.

“Some recent studies have shown that the use of high resolution ultrasound, alongside magnetic resonance imaging, allows us to improve diagnostic capacity by carrying out targeted prostate biopsies, if necessary, with greater precision – he explained Luigi Da Pozzo, Professor of Urology at the University of Milan Bicocca and Director of Urology -. The so-called ‘fusion biopsy’, a method which involves the fusion of the images obtained from the magnetic resonance imaging to those in real time produced by the ultrasound, thus allows us to define the clinical-therapeutic path with greater precision and to carry out checks for patients in follow up”.

The presentation of the ultrasound was attended by Francesco Locati, General Director of the Bergamo hospital, and urologists Luigi Da Pozzo and Marco Roscigno, head of the Prostate Cancer Unit. President Maurizio Radici was present for the AOB association.

This new technological equipment is currently only present at the Bergamo Hospital, among the public structures of the Lombardy Region. There are hundreds of patients who will benefit. Suffice it to say that every year around 800 prostate biopsies are performed at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital and that over 400 patients are currently followed by Urology in active surveillance protocols. Precisely to enhance the diagnostics of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, AOB – Bergamo Oncology Association donated an ultrasound machine dedicated to fusion biopsies to Urology in 2018.

“We are very proud to deliver this new instrumentation to the hospital – underlined Maurizio Radici, President of the Bergamo Oncology Association – which allows us to be even more effective in screening related to prostate cancer. Our Association is always very attentive to the needs of the Hospital and is proud, in this case, to be able to contribute to maintaining the levels of excellence and cutting edge of the Prostate Cancer Unit. I take this opportunity to thank the people who, even financially, supported us in this ambitious project, dedicated in particular to the memory of the lawyer. Alessandro Cicolari”.

“I warmly thank the Bergamo Oncology Association, its volunteers and all the supporters who wanted to contribute to this further technological advancement for the clinical activity aimed at prostate cancer – concluded Francesco Locati, General Director of the ASST Pope John XXIII – . In light of the growing need for early diagnosis in the prostate field, the objective of our center is to provide patients with the most advanced, effective and safe diagnostic methods available.”

Prostate cancer is currently the most frequent solid tumor in men. Its diagnosis is in most cases incidental, as this pathology is almost always asymptomatic. Its incidence is greater after the age of 50, but diagnoses are increasingly found starting from the age of 40.

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