Italy 24 Press News

Aou Sassari, here is the green plan for home-work travel | Sassari

Promote one new culture of mobility through an ideal system of more effective, rapid, comfortable and safe travel, capable of changing people’s habits and guaranteeing a better quality of life.

Point to this the Home-work travel plan recently adopted byAou of Sassari which, after the adoption of a fully electric ambulance for moving patients within the company, further strengthens its “green soul” and his vocation towards sustainable mobility.

The adoption of the plan, which follows the recent appointment of Dr Gianfranco Bichiri to corporate mobility manageron the one hand points to promote the organizational well-being of employeesreducing their exposure to work-related stress factors, and on the other to respecting the conciliation of home-work alternation.

“Just think about how much time we spend in city traffic – he explains Bichiri – and what minutes, or hours, of waiting at traffic lights or looking for a parking space produce when you are in a hurry to get to your destination. A stressful situation which then has repercussions on work. Furthermore, precious time is taken away from relationships with colleagues and family.” But added to this is theaspect of the accident. “The adoption of sustainable mobility systems – he adds Bichiri – could reduce the number of accidents en route, especially on the way home.”

And if on the one hand sustainable mobility brings benefits for the employeewould also bring them for the employer such as respecting timetables or greater socialization between colleagues. Don’t forget the benefits for the community: less traffic on the roads, less Co2 emissions and less noise pollution.

The work awaiting the mobility manager will therefore involve considerable effort. “From the study carried out with the plan – he specifies Bichiri – it emerged that approximately 60% of our employees live in urban and suburban areas, the remaining 40% in neighboring urban centers. From the questionnaire we submitted to employees, it can be seen that approximately 75% of those interviewed use the car to come to work. Approximately 20% – and this figure is encouraging – prefers gentle mobility, that is, they come to work on foot, by bike or on a scooter. Finally, just under 5% travel on public transport.”

And now we look at the objectives. “We aim to incentivize sustainable mobility initiatives – he claims Bichiri – such as, for example, the installation of racks for electric bikes or scooters within the company perimeter. A way to encourage those who already own it to also use it to come to work.”

Then there’s the carpoolingthat is, the use of a single car by a group of people who habitually make the same journey.

“We are also studying – he continues – the adoption of one company shuttle, to be activated on an experimental basis in the working hours 8am-2pm. In this case the aim is to identify an interchange car park where employees will be able to leave their car and take the shuttle to come to the company”.

Finally there is also the aspect of communication. An important moment of the plan which must aim for the greatest possible involvement of employees. With this in mind, on 3 June the mobility manager met with the unions to present the aims of the plan, for a wider sharing of objectives.

Promote one new culture of mobility through an ideal system of more effective, rapid, comfortable and safe travel, capable of changing people’s habits and guaranteeing a better quality of life. The home-work travel plan, recently adopted by theAou of Sassari which – after the adoption of a fully electric ambulance for patient movements within the company – further strengthens its “green soul” and the its vocation towards sustainable mobility.

The adoption of the plan, which follows the recent appointment of Dr Gianfranco Bichiri to corporate mobility manageron the one hand points to promote the organizational well-being of employeesreducing their exposure to work-related stress factors, and on the other to respecting the conciliation of home-work alternation

“Just think about how much time we spend in city traffic – he explains Gianfranco Bichiri – and what minutes, or hours, of waiting at traffic lights or looking for a parking space produce when you are in a hurry to get to your destination. A stressful situation which then has repercussions on work. Furthermore, precious time is taken away from relationships with colleagues and family.” But added to this is theaspect of the accident. “The adoption of sustainable mobility systems – he adds Bichiri – could reduce the number of accidents en route, especially on the way home.”

And if on the one hand sustainable mobility brings benefits for the employeewould also bring them for the employer such as respecting timetables or greater socialization between colleagues. Don’t forget the benefits for the community: less traffic on the roads, less Co2 emissions and less noise pollution.

The work awaiting the mobility manager will therefore involve considerable effort. “From the study carried out with the plan – he specifies Bichiri – it emerged that approximately 60% of our employees live in urban and suburban areas, the remaining 40% in neighboring urban centers. From the questionnaire we submitted to employees, it can be seen that approximately 75% of those interviewed use the car to come to work. Approximately 20% – and this figure is encouraging – prefers gentle mobility, that is, they come to work on foot, by bike or on a scooter. Finally, just under 5% travel on public transport.”

And now we look at the objectives. “We aim to incentivize sustainable mobility initiatives – he claims Bichiri – such as, for example, the installation of racks for electric bikes or scooters within the company perimeter. A way to encourage those who already own it to also use it to come to work.”

Then there’s the carpoolingthat is, the use of a single car by a group of people who habitually make the same journey.

“We are also studying – he continues – the adoption of one company shuttle, to be activated on an experimental basis in the working hours 8am-2pm. In this case the aim is to identify an interchange car park where employees will be able to leave their car and take the shuttle to come to the company”.

Finally there is also the aspect of communication. An important moment of the plan which must aim for the greatest possible involvement of employees. With this in mind, on 3 June the mobility manager met with the unions to present the aims of the plan, for a wider sharing of objectives.

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