Italy 24 Press News

announced the completion of the sponsorship

The agreement was confirmed on the morning of Thursday 13 June after the Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group (owner of the coffee brand) had revealed its decision to leave the world of basketball

The relationship between Virtus Bologna And Segafredo Zanetti goes on. Despite the announcement of a disengagement by the well-known coffee company in recent months, the Emilian company has announced the continuation of the agreement also for the 2025/2026 season, effectively leaving everything as it is. The owner Massimo Zanettiowner of the basketball team involved in the Serie A Scudetto finals and president of the holding company, had denied the company’s choices to the point of creating an internal short circuit which was resolved in the best possible way.

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It’s all due to entry into the Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group (company that owns Segaferedo Zanetti) by the fund QuattroR which acquired 50% of the share capital, leaving Zanetti with a minority share and the presidency of the group. Added to this was the appointment of Pierluigi Tosato as CEO of the holding, a reason that led to various frictions between the Bolognese entrepreneur and the new ownership regarding investments in the world of basketball.

A problem that was resolved positively as communicated on the morning of Thursday 13 June with the announcement of the “finalization of the sponsorship contract of the basketball club” which will allow Bologna to continue its hunt for the Italian title with greater tranquility.

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