Italy 24 Press News

Merit, Moai and dinner in the square: Busto reveals the Patronal Palace of San Giovanni

BUSTO ARSIZIO – Not just civic merit: the patronal feast of San Giovanni this year it lasts a week and offers a series of events not to be missed. Starting from Moai by Urbansolid, the sculptures of the artists “made in Busto” which have been very popular in City Life and which will be installed in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele tomorrow, 13 June. The same square that will be the protagonist of return of the dinner of San Giovannion June 27th, when there will be the first White Night of Busto in the center.

The highlight on St. John’s Day

Many side events but the highlight will remain there Thanksgiving Day, with the delivery of merit (including the civic one for the entrepreneur Giorgio Paglini) scheduled Monday 24 June, St. John’s Day, in the park of Villa Ottolini-Tosi, another return of a tradition that was popular in the past. «It’s the city’s festival – remember the mayor Emanuele Antonelli – we will deliver the merits to the citizens who have done so much for the territory.” If it rains, ceremony in the council chamber. And in the Mass of San Giovanni in the Basilica there will be «a party within the party» – words of the mayor – with the anniversaries of the ordination of the former Provost Monsignor Franco Agnesi (50 years old), of the Provost Emeritus Monsignor Claudio Livetti and of Don Peppino Aldeni (70 years for both).

The week of events

«A very rich Patronal Palace – he announces the deputy mayor and councilor for culture and economic development Manuela Maffioli – a week of celebrations dedicated to the Patron Saint but also to the city and some of its characteristic aspects, including identity and culture.” We start on June 20th with the dawn concert for the Summer Solstice (on the 20th at 5.30 in the park of Villa Ottolini-Tosi) with the Celtic harp of Rossana Monico and ends on June 27th with the Supper of San Giovanni in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and the White Night of the City Center Merchants Committee with Radio 105 artists DJ Mitch, Fabio Luzzi and Davide De Marinis. In the seven days they will be there Street Food at the Textile Museum park from Friday 21st to Monday 24th June, a series of events dedicated to herbs (including the ceremony of handing down the water of San Giovanni Sunday 23rd in Piazza Santa Maria) organized by Giuseppe Montalto’s Casa delle Erbe and the concert for the 50th anniversary of the Laus Deo choir in the Basilica on June 22nd.

The Moai

«We frequented Piazza Vittorio Emanuele as kids, we are happy that it is being redeveloped – he reveals Riccardo Cavalleri of the artistic duo Urbansolid – we are proud to participate with the “green” symbol as a warning in the square as choreography». The Urbansolid Moai are 3.05 meters high each, almost the actual size of the real ones on Easter Island. After the success recorded at Brera and Citylife, the four colored and smeared sculptures they will be exhibited in Busto (first all together in the square and then distributed in four points of the city) and subsequently in September in Switzerland.

The White Night

The other most awaited appointment is the one with «the first White Night in Busto», as the managing director presents it to the neighborhood shops Paolo Geminiani for the central traders committee, organized together with the Commerce District and Ascom. «An event that Busto has missed so far». Shops and clubs will remain open until late at night and in every square in the center there will be events until midnight – 1am, with music and entertainment for young people and families. The “central field” will be in via Milano, on the corner with via Bossi, with the artists of Radio 105then he will perform in Piazza Trento Trieste (semi-pedestrianised for the occasion). DJ Waxin Piazza Santa Maria i Cialtronesin via Cardinal Tosi Marzio Fioratti’s fire eater and the music center Concerting. On the same evening, from 8pm, the evocative dinner of San Giovanni in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (30 euros for adults, 20 for children) accompanied by the Duomania Band. And for before and after dinner cocktails in the courtyard of Palazzo Cicogna with a pop-up curated by Bar is the Name.

Arsizio patronal bust of Saint John – MALPENSA24
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