Italy 24 Press News

Bari, the vote neighborhood by neighborhood. Leccese wins everywhere: 325 out of 345 sections

Five municipalities divided into 345 electoral sections. AND Vito Leccesethe centre-left candidate with traction Democratic party, he won 325: 94.2%. This is the Bulgarian result of the preferences that the citizens of Bari gave to the mayoral candidates after the first round of the administrative elections on Saturday and Sunday, with a municipality where Leccese won all the seats, the second.

According to the data collected by the platform made available by the Municipality of Bari, out of 345 sections, the centre-right candidate Fabio Romito wins over eighteen, while Michele Laforgia, supported by the Five Star Movement and other political and associative acronyms, fails to conquer at least one. In Municipality 1, the most populous with 120 thousand inhabitants and the one in which the greatest number of electoral sections is concentrated, Leccese was the most voted mayoral candidate in 106 sections. Romito conquered eight, sections number 18 and 19 (corso Cavour), 20 (via Melo), 41 and 45 (largo San Sabino), 144 (via Ettore Fieramosca, Libertà), 159 (via Ravanas, Libertà). It is here that the centre-right mayoral candidate manages to bring home the best result, in terms of preferences collected in the individual seats.

Also in Municipality 1 there are two sections in which Leccese and Romito collect the same number of preferences. These are sections 35 (via Suppa) and 244 (corso Mazzini, Libertà). In the first, the two aspiring first citizens obtained 228 preferences, in the second 210. In Municipality 2 (Poggiofranco, Picone, Carrassi, San Pasquale, Mungivacca), there is no match. The sections assigned to this electoral constituency are 104 and in all of them Vito Leccese wins. The situation is different in Municipality 3 which, not surprisingly, is the one which, together with Municipality 5, also brought the presidential candidates to the ballot, the candidate of the centre-left dem Luisa Verdoscia and of the centre-right Filippo Stefano Colonna. Here, in the district that includes the neighborhoods of Stanic, Marconi, Fesca, San Girolamo, San Paolo and Villaggio del Lavoratore, Leccese won 48 sections out of 52, while Romito took four. At the Fourth Municipality, where even at the municipal level the Fratelli d’Italia list obtains the best result, we find 42 sections intended for the residents of Carbonara, Ceglie and Loseto. Leccese wins 38, Romito four. Then we have Municipality 5, Santo Spirito, Palese, Catino and San Pio. It is divided into 31 electoral sections, 29 won by Leccese, two by Romito. Here too, in the run-off on 22 and 23 June, the two presidential candidates of the centre-right and centre-left will compete. These are the general practitioner Maria Morisco, who stopped at 49.17%, and the young centre-right lawyer Krizia Colaianni, who collected 35.60% of the preferences. Finally, in some sections, Laforgia’s preferences exceed those of Romito. The criminal lawyer, for example, in section number 135 of via Peucetia, in the heart of the Japigia neighbourhood, obtained 108 personal preferences against the 101 of the centre-right candidate. The same thing happened in section 203, that of the “Panetti”, in via Redavid in San Pasquale. Here the candidacy for mayor of Laforgia was chosen by 100 voters, that of Romito by 90. Same thing in section 205 of the Massari school: the criminal lawyer beats the young Northern League regional councilor with 133 votes against 112.

The preferences obtained by the mayoral candidates in the individual sections must naturally be added to those collected by the councilors and the lists. This is what led to last Sunday’s result, when the Leccese coalition obtained 69 thousand 839 votes, 47.84% of the 145 thousand 985 valid votes. Second, however, is the centre-right coalition, with 43 thousand 601 votes equal to 29.87% of the total. Third, however, was Michele Laforgia, who took home 30 thousand 944 preferences, 21.20% of the votes. Therefore, even if Leccese was the most supported mayoral candidate, he will have to face Romito in the run-off on the penultimate weekend of June. At the electoral meeting, the last of these administrative elections, Laforgia reiterated his support for the centre-left mayoral candidate. This could help Leccese cross the finish line and wear the tricolor armband, but the game is open and the center-right is more motivated than ever.



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