Italy 24 Press News

The “call” of Archbishop Repole: «Turin people, do not abandon yourself to the crisis» – Turin News

Archbishop Roberto Repole “lashes” Turin once again. Or rather, that part of the city which, faced with the crisis, risks abandoning itself to resignation. Or perhaps to those who would like to abandon it? It is certainly no coincidence that the cardinal did so with a message read, not even too cryptic, precisely on the occasion of the trade union demonstration which, under the windows of Palazzo Civico, wanted to bring to the attention of the mayor Stefano Lo Russo “the Stellantis affair ”. An issue that Repole himself has never hidden that he considers a priority for the city but not only, also writing an “open letter” to the top management of the company in the hope of strengthening the role of Turin and Mirafiori, in particular, in the industrial plan of Carlos Tavares. The famous “Dare Forward 2030”.

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«Turin, what an effort»
«We must have no doubts: Turin is certainly struggling, it is certainly suffering from the economic and social crisis, but it can grow again. It can do it and it will do it, because many other European cities have succeeded »writes Repole, addressing the participants of the demonstration that he wanted to remember as “The relaunch of Turin starts from Mirafiori”. «I find it important – Repole writes in his message – that you named your demonstration after Turin pride. Because it is exactly like this: today we need a lot of pride, in the positive sense, of recognition of our abilities, to escape from a certain subtle resignation of the city in the face of industrial decline” continues the archbishop of Turin and Susa.

«Turin pride»
«We need pride to overcome a wrong and hopeless idea: that the growth experienced by Turin in the past will never return. As a Christian and as a citizen – concludes Monsignor Repole -, I am convinced that no absolute and ineluctable destiny exists in life. However, the future exists. And the future is built by our actions and I thank you for the message of “pride” that you send through your demonstration, I interpret it as a message of hope, because together we are trying to understand what needs to be done for our beautiful city to smile again ».

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