Italy 24 Press News

Paolo Taveggia’s anecdote on the presentation of Berlusconi’s first AC Milan

A year ago Silvio Berlusconi left usthe most successful president in the history of Milan and one of the most successful presidents in the history of football. To remember his figure, exclusively for MilanNews.itan important figure in the history of the Rossoneri as Paolo Taveggiahistoric right-hand man of the president, organizational director of the club until 1993.

An anecdote?
“I’ll tell you the one about the presentation of the first Milan, 1986/87 season. To be clear, the one about the helicopters.”

What happened?
“He told me: Paolo, Milan’s presentation must be different from that of past years. We are the ones who will win everything in the world, you know. We will do something special: I will send two helicopters from Milanello, from which the players will descend. You think about organize everything from the Arena without telling anyone anything. When you start hearing the sound of helicopters, start the ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ music.”

Iconic moment in AC Milan’s history
“I still remember the pressure from the press, I was bombarded with questions, they wanted to know where the players were. They pulled me by the jacket: ‘I won’t tell you, I kept repeating’ Only I, Berlusconi and Galliani knew about the helicopter. Even the presenter of the evening, his friend Cesare Cadeo only found out once he arrived at the Arena”.

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