Italy 24 Press News

Veneto, Brothers of Italy ‘book’ presidency but Lega is not there – SulPanaro

(Adnkronos) – Fratelli d’Italia returns to claim the candidate for the presidency of Veneto for the post-Zaia period, thanks to the result obtained at the last European elections. But the League isn’t there. “Many things can change in a year. We need to see if the numbers for 2024 correspond to the numbers for 2025”, Northern League deputy secretary Andrea Crippa tells Adnkronos, commenting on the words of the vice-president of the Fdi senators Raffaele Speranzon, according to whom the responsibility it would be up to Giorgia Meloni’s party to indicate the name of the candidate for governor of Veneto in light of the votes received in the area in the last electoral round: “Luca Zaia – the words of Speranzon to ‘Affari Italiani’ – is a great resource who will have the opportunity to defend the interests of citizens and the territory by carrying out other functions with other tasks”. However, a different reading comes from Crippa: “In Veneto the League confirmed almost all the outgoing mayors – observes Matteo Salvini’s number two – and in addition it won in 26 other municipalities. Number by number, those of the League seem to me to be important numbers in the area. And in any case, for me, what counts is the people, not the numbers: Sardinia teaches, Terni teaches and some other realities teach. As far as Veneto is concerned, for the League no name is better than that of the current governor: “In my opinion, if Luca Zaia could have a third mandate it would be a service for Veneto and for the country”. Fratelli d’Italia considers the question of the third mandate closed, but the League does not. “The game of the third mandate – explains Crippa – is still open, because from our point of view, if a mayor or a regional president wants to run again, the citizens must decide and choose”. To those who ask him if the League will return to propose in the Chamber the abolition of the two-term limit for governors, Crippa replies: “Let’s see, I hope that there is an agreement within the coalition, because Forza Italia and Fratelli d’ Italy has prepared people who, if they could run again for a third term, would perhaps give us a better chance of winning.” —[email protected] (Web Info)

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