Italy 24 Press News

Bad weather in Veneto, storm causes damage to the coast of Chioggia

The bad weather These days it hasn’t just brought rain and thunderstorms to the North. On the coast of Venetoyesterday there was also a strong one storm which caused extensive damage to the beaches and structures of Isola Verde and Sottomarina Sud, on the coast of Chioggia. The waves have washed away a piece of the beach just as the tourist season begins.

According to the Municipality of Chioggia, for the Green Island it is that part of the coastline where the containment interventions by the Civil Engineers have not yet been carried out (barriers placed inside the so-called “cells” formed by the dams in front of the coast of the seaside resort). However, the stability of the stretches of coastline where the containment “dams” have already been positioned has been confirmed, the administration specifies.

“The devastation of the last storm – explains the municipal councilor for maritime state property and the environment, Serena De Perini – concerns in particular the stretch of coastline called Cell 6, the part that does not have the containment works which have already been done for other cells, for example 4 and 5, where the positive effects of the works are evident. We express great closeness to the beach operators, not only to those of Isola Verde but also to those of Sottomarina Sud who saw a piece of the beach taken away by the storm and whose structures suffered extensive damage. Once the season has begun, events like this weigh significantly on economic activity”. For this reason, adds Perini, the administration asks the Civil Engineers “to continue planning the positioning of containment structures also in Cell 6, as already planned“.

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