Italy 24 Press News

Chef Igles Corelli returns to Ferrara with a new project linked to the historic Gastronomy Bregoli

Chef Igles Corelli, undisputed master of Italian catering, well-known face of Gambero Rosso Channel and with his five Michelin stars, returns to Ferrara by signing the menu of the historic Gastronomia Bregoli, founded in 1952 and led by Nadia Bregoli and Fabrizio Barbagli.

Bregoli has entrusted chef Igles Corelli with the task of modernizing its gastronomic line to present itself at events along the Lungofiume, and beyond, with refined and high quality products. The aim is to present a modern menu but looking at the past, at the traditions and recipes that have accompanied the Bregoli family all these years.

It is no coincidence that the chef – after over 20 years of absence from an all-Ferrara project – was seen in the kitchen of the gastronomy in Via Pomposa; the menu must be studied and tested before being launched. “Now we try to amaze by exaggerating, said the chef, but in my opinion we need to do it by making the traditional new, always respecting the recipes. Working with quality products, presenting different shapes and sensations.”

The menu of the historic Bregoli gastronomy, signed by Igles Corelli, can be enjoyed at the three summer events in the Nuova Darsena: Uain from 15-23 June, Rio Latino from 24-30 June and Mangiafexpo from 1-21 July.

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