Italy 24 Press News

Livorno, solidarity and smiles for the children of the San Giuseppe house in Quercianella: the Il Tirreno party

LIVORNO. “Let’s give a smile to children who come from fragile situations”. This is the project of the Cecina section of the national carabinieri association for the summer of 2024 and the date is Wednesday 12 June. Sister Raffaella SpiezioDaughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, superior of the Saint Joseph Institute in Quercianella in Livorno, promoted the solidarity initiative that the diocesan Caritas carried out in the Quercianella area together with the Vincentian Sisters Daughters of Charity within of the Casa San Giuseppe structure.

«In Livorno – it is underlined – such a structure does not yet exist», but there are others that welcome children from 3 years onwards but not newborns, and right now, in the event of a separation from the family, these little ones are placed in other cities. Caritas speaks of “a sign-work” that aims to reintegrate the child into his family of origin.

Currently, around 14 boys and girls of various age groups are guests of the structure. On Wednesday 12th these kids will be given a day of joy and carefreeness with the magic show prepared for the occasion by the pastry magician from Cecina Valerio Liggieri alias Mago Prince, very active in social work and in the organization of charity events.

Mago Prince will have the excellent assistant Mago Prime at his side. The initiative also has the aim of raising awareness among citizens towards the institution of foster care. There are various forms of family care that can be offered: from the “lighter” ones such as those of proximity or family support, to that of family foster care, which is achieved by welcoming a child and a young person into one’s home and life for the time necessary so that his family can resolve its difficulties. In this context, the thoughts of Mother Teresa of Calcutta take on inestimable value. “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” The event was conceived and carried out with the support of the national Carabinieri association, Cecina section, and with the contribution of the Conad of San Pietro in Palazzi, whose headquarters are in Corte Acquerta”. A special thanks goes to Walter Geri former national president of Conad, a Filippo Fabbri, Fernando Betti president of the ANC section of Cecina and to Mrs. Luciana Anselmi for their active commitment to the success of the project. Subsequently, a small pastry making course will be held by Valerio Liggieri with Sister Raffaella’s children and a magic workshop for the older ones.

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