Italy 24 Press News

«Discontent behind the scenes of the municipal management»

CATANZARO «There is a lot of discontent among municipal officials, and not only them, due to the results of the graduation of the allowances attributed to the so-called High Qualifications. Many of them consider the scores attributed to their positions to be penalizing, albeit on the basis of the reports provided by the sector managers and the methodology envisaged by a specific regulation recently approved”. The municipal councilor of Action in Catanzaro writes it Stefano Veraldi. «This worries us a lot, considering that the officials constitute the managerial background on which the projects and the efficiency of the entire municipal administration are based. Many strategic sectors for the implementation of the Mayor’s program, in fact they are surprisingly penalized compared to others, from the results of said ranking made official with a specific Decision of the Personnel Sector Manager. Certainly the procedure that led to these results raises serious doubts in my opinion, but it would be useful for the administration to review the aforementioned regulation and above all to carry out a new and more careful gradation of positions for next year, given that for next year they will vary many elements used by the graduation methodology, such as the objectives and the human and financial resources that will be assigned to the individual sectors with the new PEG 2025. In fact, the doubts that arose when analyzing the documentation suggest highly criticisable graduations since they seem to lack “objectivity” and “equal treatment”. It is unclear how some sectors increased their scores while others decreased them. Surely the question (already sent to the responsible body) will tell us whether the procedure was carried out in a fully regular manner and whether it was also taken into account by the findings of the Evaluation Team which highlighted in point 5 of the note that the art. 10, paragraph 4, does not exclude from the reusable sums those deriving from the provision of performance pay lower than the maximum contractually established following the individual assessment. These resources cannot be redistributed and must constitute budgetary savings. Therefore it is necessary to intervene by carefully defining the sums that can be subject to redistribution (for example, due to failure to assign a task)”.

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